mar de grises & skepticism


your best friend
Feb 29, 2008
i remember when mar de grises was the ROYAL CARNAGE flavor-of-the-month but does anyone still care about them? they just released a new album apparently and i'm thinking of buying it while i'm ordering the new ---> SKEPTICISM <--- from red stream. new skepticism! i haven't been this excited about an album in probably years
I found it to be a little too light on the ears, with it lacking the luxuriant flow of The Tatterdemalion Express.. Though it's worth a spin or three. The differences between these releases is quite comparable to Isis' Panopticon/In the Absence of Truth.

Mar De Grises now w/ 100 calories per serving.
Yea, i was talking to swizzle about this. They updated their website once in the summer, and soon after news about the album was there. No rush, no updates necessary. Naturally they will make most other works in the style seem like absolute tripe :cool: I listened to the sample track once, which will be the last time until i have the album in my hands. Coincidently, the few bands that i consider in that same echelon are also releasing albums in 08; esoteric, pantheist, mournful congregation (we'll see if it happens). Not to mention other bands; umbra nihil (looking at you dem), astral sleep, nightly gale. Yea 2008 is going to be a good year for the doom :loco:

< the avatar bitches
Yeah man, I just bought Umbra Nihil's Gnoia a few weeks ago. Loving it so far. Probably gonna check the new one out.

Most of those others... I just don't know if I have enough interest in metal or doom in particular at this point to search them all out.
I'm with RiA concerning new Mar de Grises. Definitely does not live to its predecessor. Good album still. Shame about Chilean doom death bands sparing little of their goodness for sophomore releases. Same happened with Poema Arcanvs.

I still have to get me some Skepticism stuff on my racks. Which of them are absolute must owns aside from Stormcrowfleet?