March 4th

I forgot all about march 4 aswell
it's a damn good song

what do you think the date means?
heheh, the whole text is about it=)

One of my girlfriends, with which i lived for 3 years, once told me that we should broke our relations. It was 4 march, two years ago. I was not in shock of losing her, i was in shock about the date 4th MARCH!!! SHE DID NEVER KNOW KATATONIA!!! =)))))))) The longest relations in my life ended with the song of Katatonia=)
Wow. I hadn't listened to this song in a loooong time and listened to this song two days ago, not thinking of the date :D I must have felt that day like listening to this song subconsciously because of the day, or not.

Shit, I'm delusioning. 38,5c fever.
Don't you guys know ? that if 666 fans of Katatonia listens to 4th march at the day 4th march at 3 am , the new extra old-school-katatonia cd will be unleashed !!
(the effect will be stroneger when the 666 people while listening to the song, will watch Omen, Hellriser or Pokemon)

oh and did i mentioned that it will start the apocalipse too ?