March 6 Irvington, NJ show!

Apr 7, 2002
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ahhh godd damnnnn i'm so fuckin excited for this show...cannibal corpse, hypocrisy, vile, and exhumed!! i'm gonna cream my pants if they play Roswell 47 and

god cant wait...last time i saw hypocrisy was in november at the metal and hardcord fest in Asbury with the old drummer Lars...i really wanna hear how Horgh has adjusted to hypocrisy's style..

is anyone else going to see em on the sixth??
I saw them last monday and'll be pleased to know Horgh does an excellet job on the drums, keeping everything simple yet effective just like Lars did...
They put on an awesome show yesterday, as always! I didn't recognize Horg, never seen the dude without the face paint. :grin:

They played a solid 45-min or so set, I got a little excited when they walked out and forgot to look at my watch :tickled: I didn't recognize all the songs though, the oldest album I've heard is Abducted, I'm guessing they've played a couple of older songs... I'm looking at the San Fran setlist, and indeed there's 3 songs on it that I don't know. Can someone confirm if they played the same set in NJ?

The turnout was OK I suppose, but I don't know how many pple came to see Hypocrisy. I'm not into Cannibal Corpse, but they played a good set, it was way better then I expected! I liked it. I guess they can be considered "technical death metal"?

On a side note, the place was a dump and it's located in a ghetto, pple who complained about Lamour don't have a clue how much worse it can be!

oh yes they def fuckin did play an amazing funny i didnt recognize Horgh either...but i got to shake the mans hand!! yess!! i can finally die happy..

what side were u on?? i was right in front of Horgh with the dark tranquility shirt on and jeans...even though i had like really short hair i was headbangin away

my neck