Marco Hietela performs with Delain

Yeah, I know the sound quality is crap, but it looks like Progpower won't be a first now. However, this pretty much answers the question with a "yes" whether or not Marco is going to perform with Delain next September. I must say though, it looks really weird seeing him without a bass on stage.

Does it really??? I didn't see anywhere in the article that it said Marco would sign with DELAIN at PP, but we can wish and hope, and if anyone can make it happen Glenn can.
Personally, I think it would seem kinda silly if he DIDN'T perform with them, seeing as how both bands are in the same geographic location for a weekend. I don't have any knowledge of the individual schedules though. However, given what I've seen at previous ProgPower's, I'd say there's a good chance of him being on stage with them. Of course, I thought the same during the Dream Theater and King's X tour a few years back. I was almost sure that Doug would come on stage and do Lines in the Sand with them. Not in Austin, anyways.
Does it really??? I didn't see anywhere in the article that it said Marco would sign with DELAIN at PP, but we can wish and hope, and if anyone can make it happen Glenn can.

You are correct. I just meant that considering he sang at that concert (which I believe was the first time he's sang with them in concert at that point), he most likely will at Progpower. I would be very SHOCKED actually if he didn't, especially considering Tarot's gonna be there anyways.
If you don't think Glenn ALREADY has a plan in place that Marco would also perform with Delain, I got a bridge to sell you.

If Delain wish to have him along, I don't see any reason why Marco would not appear on stage for those couple of songs for the special occasion at PP next year...

Heck, the man is nice and humble - and also know as a workaholic who loves to perform; at Vauhtiajot Race & Rock '09 on July 24. he first played with Tarot starting around 4 pm and about four hours later climbed on stage to headline with Nightwish! At "On A Dark Winter´s Night, Dec 27-28. 2007" he did the similar double-gigs two days in a row... !


If Delain wish to have him along, I don't see any reason why Marco would not appear on stage for those couple of songs for the special occasion at PP next year...

Heck, the man is nice and humble - and also know as a workaholic who loves to perform; at Vauhtiajot Race & Rock '09 on July 24. he first played with Tarot starting around 4 pm and about four hours later climbed on stage to headline with Nightwish! At "On A Dark Winter´s Night, Dec 27-28. 2007" he did the similar double-gigs two days in a row... !


This is true. I've met the guy and is as nice as can be and is quite the workhorse, and yes I realize Glenn said this in the "This is how I chose..." thread. This for me though practically confirms it, even though neither party has confirmed it, everyone knows it's gonna happen.