Marduk: Nazi ???

Being racist due to dislike of cultural and social aspects is understandable, but to believe in an inherently inferior race in pretty far fetched. Genetic research shows that the genetic diversity between races is very minimal. History has shown people on every continent making the same mistakes and following similar paths. I just don't see a solid foundation for inherent racism, ironically the whole thing is fairly Jewish with all this "chosen people" bullshit...
crimsonfloyd said:
Being racist due to dislike of cultural and social aspects is understandable, but to believe in an inherently inferior race in pretty far fetched. Genetic research shows that the genetic diversity between races is very minimal. History has shown people on every continent making the same mistakes and following similar paths. I just don't see a solid foundation for inherent racism, ironically the whole thing is fairly Jewish with all this "chosen people" bullshit...

Exactly. Hating a culture actually makes sense in my mind, whereas hating a race, scientifically speaking, doesn't as we're all practically identical genetically.
To answer the topic creator's question I don't know if Marduk are or aren't Nazi's being that all the interviews I've read from them have never brought up the subject.
Flamestos said:
Well you can't judge a person by his race because life is supposed to be about individualism but stereo-types by the media rules the world it seems. People need to go out and have real life experiences instead of taking the opinions of others.
I agree. It's great that you, as a black man, choose not to conform to the rap/basketball stereotype perpetuated by the media. You indeed cannot judge someone only based on race, though it is easy to judge someone by what "group" they identify with (ie. hip hopper, yuppie, goth, hippie, etc.).
Life Sucks said:
it is easy to judge someone by what "group" they identify with (ie. hip hopper, yuppie, goth, hippie, etc.).
I agree. I hate to get off topic, but Life Sucks, remember that hippie I told you about? Well, your post makes a lot of sence because I talked to her for a while a few days ago, and I actually gained respect for her! She has some hippie views, but is an intelligent, kind person.