Marduk - new line up


New Metal Member
Jul 3, 2002
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Hey, has anyone heard Marduk play live with their new drummer ? And if so, how does he compare to their former kick ass drummer Fredrik Anderson ?
p.s. Anyone know the country he is from, coz it's not Sweden.
Originally posted by GhosT^x0
Was he with them on this last tour with Deicide.

If he was, Marduk blew Deicide off the fucking stage, and the drumming was great.

No, that was Fredrick when they toured with Deicide. I got to meet him before the show btw, as well as the guy who does the artwork for Deicide. The art for In Torment In Hell was originally going to be Jesus eating out Mary while blood streamed down her gouged out eyes. The record company didn't like that though...