Mark how come?

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I don't hate it. Well, not in theory. But I think coming here and going on about it, when it has nothing to do with UM or this fan forum is just stupid.

I especially don't like the abuse being dished out to Skunk, who deserves more respect.
Mark said:
I don't hate it. Well, not in theory. But I think coming here and going on about it, when it has nothing to do with UM or this fan forum is just stupid.

I especially don't like the abuse being dished out to Skunk, who deserves more respect.
Well said Mark, Skunk is a lovely person and i think she does a good job considering the problems she has to put up with. I would be interested to see if half the people complaining can do a better job than she does.
oozily said:
1-i think she does a good job
2-considering the problems she has to put up with.
3-I would be interested to see if half the people complaining can do a better job than she does.
1-She banned me unfairly and hasn't given a reason for banning me.
2-All boards have problems.
3-I wouldn't have banned half the people she banned or allow organised spam to take place like Steve Pants Bar.
Profånity said:
1-She banned me unfairly and hasn't given a reason for banning me.
2-All boards have problems.
3-I wouldn't have banned half the people she banned or allow organised spam to take place like Steve Pants Bar.
1- She can ban whoever she likes for whatever reasons she sees fit, it is left entirely up to her as to who she want's to ban, so you must have done something to annoy her, or enough people complained about you that she felt it was in the best interest of the board.
2-Correct, so you have to take into account that she is responsible for over 30 sites and most have BB's to take care of, it is hard to make everything perfect.
3-Just how exactly is people posting in one thread spamming? if they had been posting nonsense all over the board in lots of threads then i would agree, but keeping out of the way and chatting amongst friends hardly constitutes spamming.

Now can we forget about the IMBB, as this is the UM board and has nothing to do with what happened over there, so if you wish further debate kindly PM me.
oozily said:
1- She can ban whoever she likes for whatever reasons she sees fit, it is left entirely up to her as to who she want's to ban, so you must have done something to annoy her, or enough people complained about you that she felt it was in the best interest of the board.
2-Correct, so you have to take into account that she is responsible for over 30 sites and most have BB's to take care of, it is hard to make everything perfect.
3-Just how exactly is people posting in one thread spamming? if they had been posting nonsense all over the board in lots of threads then i would agree, but keeping out of the way and chatting amongst friends hardly constitutes spamming.

Now can we forget about the IMBB, as this is the UM board and has nothing to do with what happened over there, so if you wish further debate kindly PM me.
1-I only annoyed people with my 1 word posts which people saw as post boosting and regular posters in Steve Pants Bar. I only started to annoy/insult the admin/mods when admin announced gd was closing.

2-She shouldn't take on more than she can handle.

3-They treat it like a members only thread and when people want to join in they wouldn't let them and then accused them of spamming 'their' thread.
Profånity said:
1-I only annoyed people with my 1 word posts which people saw as post boosting and regular posters in Steve Pants Bar. I only started to annoy/insult the admin/mods when admin announced gd was closing.

2-She shouldn't take on more than she can handle.

3-They treat it like a members only thread and when people want to join in they wouldn't let them and then accused them of spamming 'their' thread.

Hmmmm, just which part of this:
oozily said:
Now can we forget about the IMBB, as this is the UM board and has nothing to do with what happened over there, so if you wish further debate kindly PM me.
did you not undertstand?

The Admin of this site has asked that the topic be dropped so please follow my request. I will not be drawn into an arguement that has nothing to do with this place.
oozily said:
Well said Mark, Skunk is a lovely person and i think she does a good job considering the problems she has to put up with. I would be interested to see if half the people complaining can do a better job than she does.

I would love to get the chance! The sites would not only run more smoothly but they would look alot more professional too!
enough with this 1-2-3 shit. lets all agree to disagree.

Skunk was a great Admin, though lately the BB has traveled a lot more than in previous tenues...not a bad thing, but also not attracting new members. a minor problem.

i agree with Mark, why come here and bitch about the old BB when this new BB is up and running? just enjoy the new incantation and move on with your lives.

and Profanity, if you were an asshole and fucked around over at the other BB, Skunk had every right to ban you, so quit yer bitchin. just relish in the fact that you are not banned here.
Just to re-iterate, this board was up well before the GC's closure was announced, so this is not a 'new incantation' ;)
This will be my last post on the matter, guaranteed, and it will be unrestrained:

Some of you motherfuckers are clueless, not to mention some of you asses who have been around the official board no where near long enough to get the full picture of what goes on there, not just on the board but at the top and other places as well, think you have all of the answers. You don't, and you don't know Skunk like many of us do, and I am talking about the people who have known her since back when she had Scream For Me or before. If SHE was the problem like some of you just KNOW she is, then she would have been gone and someone else put in her place.

She used to take the time to explain everything to the people who would ask when something would happen. Mark used to do the same over there as well when they hired him. After awhile though the numbnuts who are going on and on like they are right now who wouldn't believe anything they were told anyway grew in numbers and gradually they just said fuck it. Let the water boil and the let bastards burn. Thats why it seems at times she could care less about a bunch of it.

I can also guarantee you that she is paying less mind over it all than one of you who posts idiotic crap about her. You guys just do not know, and I am not taking any sides on this, I'm just telling it how it is and thats all I have to say. End of story.
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