Marshall 1960 and Mesa Oversize...same size?


Mar 30, 2005
I've always seen the Mesa Standard bigger (higher) than the other cabs, expecially the Marshall 1960 but I've just check their measurements and they have pretty the same sizes.

H: 831
W: 767
D: 363

H: 835
W: 765
D: 362

(in millimeters)

Did Marshall change the size of 1960 cab or it always was an optical illusion?
I have a 1960 but it has a tradition square form and not the typical rectangular Mesa form...
I noticed this when tracking a couple weeks ago. Casters were bigger on the mesa. If they were the same size casters as on the marshall it seemed the mesa would only be a tiny bit taller.
I'm kinda skeptical on the accuracy of those 1960 specs, maybe the height is measured with casters on

EDIT: In fact, did you measure your 1960 to get those dimensions Michele? Cuz on the Marshall website, they're listed as 830x760x360 (though those aren't too different, cuz millimeters are of course tiny units of measure)
No I haven't my 1960 here...I only reported the official measures I get on dv247 website (and you're right, they are really close to the official marshall measures).
The Mesa is definitely taller than the marshall cab. Quickly measuring the two cabs, a Marshall is about 30"x30" (762mm x 762mm) while the Mesa cab is 30"x32" (762mm x 813mm) not including casters on each. The Mesa has taller casters than the Marshall, too.
If they do the measurements with casters, it's totally lame :D
In fact I think the Mode Four cab has the same size of the Mesa and the marshall site reports an height of 910
Anyway, I'm thinking to build a new empty cab with the marshall measures (but straight) and put into it the g75t's of my actual 1960, 'cos the Marshall building is pretty poor (screws untight, screws that turn free into the wood, plastic handles, etc...).
Don't know how a cabinet with Mesa specifics could sound with g75t speakers...I know how a Marshall sounds so I think I'll go with it
cos the Marshall building is pretty poor (screws untight, screws that turn free into the wood, plastic handles, etc...).
Don't know how a cabinet with Mesa specifics could sound with g75t speakers...I know how a Marshall sounds so I think I'll go with it

Agree with poor building except with screws problem. My 1960A haven't any problem but it's an old cab (1992).
Dont know if Marshall has changed there specs or there just not accurate but I owned both at the same time around the late 90's and the Mesa any way you measured it was bigger, absolutely. And as for build quality, the Mesa was far superior to the Marshall in every aspect. I havent owned or handled either of these cabs in about two years so maybe Marshall has made some changes.