Marty Friedman's new band


Feb 4, 2002
Past the Point of Caring
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Okay, I was listening to the radio in the truck today and this guy Talben was on talking about how Dave Mustaine had been saying that Marty was doing dance music or some shit like that, and he said that he just figured that Dave was just talking shit. Well, he found this CD of Marty's. The "band" (if you want to call it that) is called Red Dye #2. His name in the band is Doctor A. And there's some chick in the band called "Meesha"(? on spelling). Anyway, he played a few seconds of this crap, and it sounded like the annoying music in the background at a Chinese restaurant. He said he apologizes to Dave for thinking he was talking shit and it's a good thing Marty's out. Some guy named Chris called and said that he worked with Marty on a few things and that Marty is working on other things that are still rock, like his instrumental stuff, but that he has this bizarre "pop fetish" and he's burned out on heavy music right now. I just thought I would pass this along. Well, I can't judge the whole CD/band on the few seconds that I heard, but I can tell you what I did hear, there are no words to describe how truly shitty it was.
Marty Friedman successfully drained the balls out of Megadeth. Now we've got Mustaine trying to write a heavy record, but the heaviest song on there was a total rip-off. Ughhhhh. And the current line-up isn't any better, Al Pitrelli....:rolleyes: C'mon Mustaine, the name Megadeth used to be scary, now you've got a veteran of such bands as Widowmaker and Alice Cooper in the group.
I had Heard a rumor that Marty left because of the new direction Megadeth was taking. He had wanted to be more Metal, and did not agree with Dave After the risk album. I guess that rumor was Wrong.
Originally posted by JIGSAW
I heard MARTY was the genious behind RISK and DAVE was scared that they'd lose their core audience. After RISKS commercial failure, Dave desided to drop him. And ''RETURN TO HANGAR", is at the least, better than "UNFORGIVEN 2".

My thoughts exactly!
No seriously...they are!
Those guys the morning sickness and all the retards at 98 KUPD talk alot of crap. That being said Marty has always experimented with his instrumental shit. Some of his stuff leaves you wondering if he has his head up his ass,but from a musicians point of view it is technically perfect. Marty did not drive Megadeth into the ground digital equipment took away alot of the edge to all metal music(expect for all that new three cord scream stuff ala Static-X).
what is this shit talking about megadeth gone down the drain?:confused: TWNAH is fucking amazing. Disconnect, motopsycho, dread and the fugitive mind, return to hangar, 1K times goodbye, the album fucking rules. and for the record RISK was a horrible album. but deth is back on track and rude awakening(live 2 disc) is coming out march 19th, next wednesday i belive, so lookout, that is gonna be a barn burner, and i saw megadeth live, they havent gone soft, they have stayed true to their sound, unlike metallica who fucked up and made a disc known as........*shudder* load :Puke: well thats all i have to say for that,
