Martyr Rehearsal Video

I Rock 4 God

Jul 6, 2011
Ames, IA

Anyway, after watching , My respect for you guys goes WAYYYYYYYY up! OMG! This is just waaaayyyy too cool!!!!:notworthy

Matt: You can sing higher than any girl I know. :D TWO THUMBS UP!
Val: You can shred like I have never heard before...:D:D
Jon: Your sick backing guitar adds SO much to the song! :D
Jared: The can play bass....well....a really good bassist...;) Don't be offended, I don't know many bassists...:D:D:D GREAT JOB ANYWAY!
And Shawn:.....nuff said. You can KILL those drums! In a good way...;) :Saint:

KEEP IT UP!!!!!!!!!! And if this is what it sounds like when the world bleeds...please keep bleeding if you can, world....:rock::lol::zombie::kickass:
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I know this is old topic, but it's not like i'm moving new topics off the front page right? ^_^

Yea this video was awesome, thanks for recording and uploading it. Love listening to it.

Good to see yall rehearsing, cause man, yall sure set the standard high on the CD's to try and match it playing live!
Since this is kinda a live performance type thread..

Man, I been watching some of the live performances on youtube and wow, i'm really looking foward to hearing some news of them coming around my way to Minnesota even more. St. Paul is the only place that I know of that books metal bands. Or First Ave. in Minneapolis. (There's the Target Center too, but that's pretty big and pretty much for the bands/artist that sold their souls for fame..) That'd be so epic. I'd be there extra early to get in the front row for sure hahah. I'd be extra hyped!

If they don't, then hey, it's all good. I'm honestly real happy for those of you lucky enough to see em jam live!

Oh yea, in that Martyr rehearsal, that lil extra solo was awesome hahah.