Maryland Death Fest (May 23-25)


Sounds like shit!
Oct 22, 2006
Atlanta, GA
Ok, looks like I'll be attending MDF this year. Anyone else here going?
I'm pretty much there just for Waco Jesus. :kickass:

I'm playing there with Afgrund! We're all pretty stoked! Come and say hello everyone who attends the fest.
Martyr, Defeated Sanity, Behold... The Arctopus.

I WISH I was going. Can't afford the trip out of the country right now.
I'm playing there with Afgrund! We're all pretty stoked! Come and say hello everyone who attends the fest.

We've gotta chill and pound some brews/chicks.

Also, maybe you could show how to play METAL RIFFZ.

Like seriously, I know none of these bands. two of my pals from TN invited me so i'm in!
Haha well I know how to play guitar a little bit but really I'm a drummer. But I'll show how to play blastbeats for sure! haha.

There's a few pretty cool bands playing actually. Grave, gadget, impaled, sublime cadaveric decomposition, circle of dead children for example.
sweet, this should be cool.
i'm wondering if it's worth it to try and bring a few disposable cameras or something.
i'll definitely be trying to take mental notes on gear and tonez.