Maryland is a giant sheet of ice.


Cos(8x) | -Cos(8x) | .25
Sep 13, 2006
Everywhere in maryland, everything is solid ice, 1 foot deep. I dunno about anywhere else, but this is the most awesome thing ever. I am not kidding when I tell you that I can't break through it with a crowbar.

Everywhere there should be grass or sidewalk, is 1 foot deep ice. Half of the roads, all of the fields, 1 foot deep ice. My goddamn door was frozen shut, and I had to cop-kick it open to leave wednsday morning.

the schools have been closed for 4 days now because they can't get rid of it. It's hilarious.
so's jersey... no one even plowed the fucking roads... the trees look fucking awesome, branches are completely coated in ice and they all glisten in the sun.
I bet your windows aren't coated with ice.

I actually cut myself on it an hour ago (not the window ice). It looks like it's snow, because it used to be, so I stepped on it like I would snow because I forgot that it wasn't. I fell down the stairs and sliced my arm open on a jagged piece that was sticking up. Thank god for gause.

however, I did go sledding (I don't care how old you are, sledding is fucking awesome) and reached speeds of over 35 miles per hour.
yeah dude, everything is iced, my car door was stuck shut even after i pryed a 1/4 inch of ice off of the trim of it