Mason Jar show


My soul got a crack
Sep 9, 2002
Phoenix AZ
Who's all going to this? I can't fucking wait any longer, only 4 days left, but it's killing me. It's gonna be awesome to be face to face with Peter(if you know the mason jar, than you know what I am talking about).

I wanted to also ask, if you guys ever tryed this before, can you get a camera into the mason jar, i've never tryed before. Any answers can help me out fine.

Thanks and see you metal heads there \m/
I can't wait for this day either! The gods have arrived!!!!!!!!!!

I took a camera into the IMMOLATION/GRAVE show. Got some live shots.
I cant wait either especially cause I was standing outside in line when they came back in november (although I did get to talk with Peter later on).
Dont know about the camera, I actually havent been to the jar in like 7 years.
I'm going to that show too, but my ride just fell through. Still, I wouldn't miss this for the world. I went to the Dimmu Concert in Arizona a few months ago, and missed Hypocrisy because they played first, which was total shit *they should've been the headliners :headbang: * Anyway, I talked with Tagtgren for a minute after the show and got him to sign a bunch of pics. My cousin got a pic with him, and that is my goal for this tour...
I'll be at the show. I missed most of Hypocrisy's set last time so I'm really looking forward to this. Jesterrace, you can get a camera in, but unless you're right in front, it's damn near impossible to get descent pics when the place is crowded.
Ahh you live in Glendale, you probably live close to me. Well see ya at the show. If you guys wanna chat I'll be wearing my Vital Remains - Dechristianize shirt, ask for Kevin.

See ya