Yeh, not really high gain as we know it, I liked the scooped sound of the dual rec, the Engl and the Framus sounded the most high gain to me, all be it that the bottom end was very flabby.
Some great tones for rock though, the Marshalls and Soldanos stood out for me, the Bogners and the Diezel didnt know where they wanted to be, did not like them much at all.
They did miss 1 important amp IMO, and for hard rock and blues (if your into that), you cant go past a Bad Cat. I heard one of these (the lynx I think) running through a Bad Cat quaddie, and it was the purest sound for rock I have ever heard. They are dear, but if your chasing pure tone, check them out. We plugged into an Ulbrick after that and no comparison, like night and day (although not in price).
Oh, I wish I was there. Woulda smashed them all, taken everything and left dingas hangin outta their bums!