master bus/Tessla SE


Oct 24, 2007
quick question:

i'm prepping my tracks for mastering. i really like Tessla's SE saturation plug on my master buss and would like to include it. here's the problem.

the signal with no plugs on my master hovers around -6db. just inserting this plug, with output at 0db on the plug, my signal is too hot and it clips. so i've been lowering the output to about -9/10 to compensate and prevent the clipping.

by reducing the output below 0db, am i negatively affecting my sound in anyway?

the manual says you want to tweak the input so the needle is always in the red for optimum usage and then adjust the saturation knob to taste. they also suggest adjusting the output as needed, thus the reason i've been doing that but got to wondering just the same.

btw - i was using a older version of this plug for the longest time and then found this newer version. perhaps you are too? it's a great little plug.