PSP Vintage Warmer on Master Bus.....


always a n00b
Aug 15, 2008
Saskatchewan Canada
Hey all,

after reading some goodies on mastering, and hearing how Andy likes to add a saturation plug on his master bus, I started playing around with Vintage Warmer on the master bus.

Im currently trying the Semi Driven Tape preset. Anyone out there using this plug on the master bus, and care to share some settings?!? Im just trying to get a warmer fuller sound in my final mixdown!
I find that I need a different setting depending on each mix. I've just started using it and I love it. Most of the time I'll run through the presets to see if there's any that get me in the ballpark and then I'll tweak it from there. I use it on every submix as well as the master buss with the exception of distorted guitars. Most of the time it kind of muffles them.
I used to use this plug-in on my master bus a while back, but realized it was adding a particular sort of character or vibe I wasn't always after. These days I'll sometimes blend in the PSP MixSaturator2 on the tape 3 algorithm. It tends to fill out the low mids a bit and control the transient... but it's *very* easy to overdo the effect.