Master tour canceled by TSA paranoia

Unholy Sodomizer

New Metal Member
Aug 7, 2010
30-year death metal veterans MASTER were stopped at the American border and turned away for a paperwork technicality.

Clearly the terrorists have won if we're blocking death metal bands because they "might" be terrorists.


"The police came to explain that the visa waiver program didn't apply to musicians...The guys were escorted to the plane by four police officers and returned their passports when we arrived in Amsterdam." -

But now, we're not being brave. We're busting people for the wrong crap, and not busting enough people who need to go to jail. It's both deterrent and security theater. I'm sure it works, but what the hell is the point in busting death metal bands from Eastern Europe? Al-Qaeda hates death metal. - Dark Legions

If you think this is an injustice, sign the petition:
Yeah they were supposed to play in indy on 10MAR11 but if you dont have your paperwork your not coming in. It's a sad fact. On the positive demiricous is still having their demo release that and mobile deathcamp is still coming down to indy to play that day as well.