Mastering -> Band complains about "too much 50hz"....please help!

not about the bass but something weird happens around 25 seconds in. I cant tell if its meant to be there or not.
thats what i love about this forum! thanks for all your answers!

i must admit i heavily scooped the low mids, because thats what everyone refered to as "bass is too loud"..
im a fan of 120-160 hz bass and also note definition in the 300-500 hz area...
i matched this song to some hatebreed stuff, that wwas one of the references.

yeah, its really hard to talk to a musician who has zero experience in this stuff :-)=
the story with the incorrectly set up subs AND listening environment being less then optimal :
man, thats the worst thing i could imagine ;-) i always have in mind that people complain about the mix
in the worst rooms with the worst system setup...

if there is a song written in A they will say : bass is too loud (because of room acoustics)
if there is a song in written D they will say : bass has to go down (because of...)

sad enough, thhere is always some truth in what the bands tells you to fix about your mix/master.
even more sad : musicians cant really tell you what exactlly to fix, they only give you a vague idea about the
problem they hear in their listening environment. in the end you find yourself fixing the wrong things...

maybe there should be a dictionary "musician -> engineer" and "engineer -> musician" :-)
Mix sounds's a bit too scooped for my taste though and the drums sound clicky indeed.

The only thing that sounded a bit weird were the toms in this prechorus/chorus with the "gang-shouts"...especially when they appear the first time...probably they are just a bit too loud.