KSE - TEOTH - sd2.0 - TSE

Thanks teddy boy for your answer.

i'm at work so i give you what i can recall

for the guitar i use this :

guitar L and R = TSE everything on 12 o clock except bass. + KSE curve eq + recabinet modern sm57 cap grill

guitar L85 and R85 = TSE with same settings + KSE curve eq + s-preshigh

And on the guitar buss a Req with Hp at 60 and LP at 12000 and a boost of 1db at 150 i think because my guitar lacks of bass...

For the bass it's a fake vst bass in halion... sounds like shit...

For the drum :

SD2.0 splatt88 preset for the basis.

Then i trig the kick and use a Mercenary and a Soil kick. (about 50%), then i compress, eq and L1 and gclip until its sound good.

For the snare, i trig the snare and use 3 Slate snare (i don't remind) hard 1 / hard2 and hard 3.
Then EQ, comp and limit with L1 and gclip.

I don't have touch anything on the OH and the rest.

Then, i send all drum in a drum buss and put a Gclip and a L1.

When you say that i shoud "play with dynamics" with the Overheads, is that you mean that i shoud play with velocities ?? because is that i have done... the cymbals are in random velocities 60 to 80 or something near...

The whole thing sounds a bit muffled to be honest. Surprised I was the first person to point that out too.
Well, the overheads were the only thing that didn't sound muffled , or at least not too badly but the rest (guitars, snare, bass guitar etc etc) are just lacking in the higher frequencies.
You can definitely get away by adding more "air" to the guitars (adding a bit of "fizz" but the good fizz, not bad fizz) and the snare could definitely benefit from some more attack frequencies.
The fake bass is just crap man. Buy a real bass, borrow one off someone or whatever, because your current way of doing bass is only just contributing to clouding the mix up.

As for the guitar being out of tune, well, fuck, Meshuggah used to use a 52 for Bb and never had that problem and I use 56 for A and don't get that problem man. You need to take care with the picking hand, because 52 should be plenty thick and have enough tension for C#.

Just keep A/Bing your mix back and forth between the original song and you'll hear what I mean.
The guitars in the original song are somewhat 'muffled' compared to the likes of say, the This Godless Endeavor tone, but they have just the right amount of upper mids and treble to them that gives them a bit of air, so given that even if your guitars sounded more "airy"/"fizzy" than the original once you tweak the tones more, it wont be too bad as long as it's not excessive
The whole thing sounds a bit muffled to be honest. Surprised I was the first person to point that out too.
Well, the overheads were the only thing that didn't sound muffled , or at least not too badly but the rest (guitars, snare, bass guitar etc etc) are just lacking in the higher frequencies.
You can definitely get away by adding more "air" to the guitars (adding a bit of "fizz" but the good fizz, not bad fizz) and the snare could definitely benefit from some more attack frequencies.
The fake bass is just crap man. Buy a real bass, borrow one off someone or whatever, because your current way of doing bass is only just contributing to clouding the mix up.

As for the guitar being out of tune, well, fuck, Meshuggah used to use a 52 for Bb and never had that problem and I use 56 for A and don't get that problem man. You need to take care with the picking hand, because 52 should be plenty thick and have enough tension for C#.

Just keep A/Bing your mix back and forth between the original song and you'll hear what I mean.
The guitars in the original song are somewhat 'muffled' compared to the likes of say, the This Godless Endeavor tone, but they have just the right amount of upper mids and treble to them that gives them a bit of air, so given that even if your guitars sounded more "airy"/"fizzy" than the original once you tweak the tones more, it wont be too bad as long as it's not excessive

Thanks a lot Harry.

I agree with every thing you pointed out.

For the bass, it's obvious. i will record tomorow with a real bass. (my brother has one)

For the guitars, i will re record a better version with a constant tuning, and will try to add air.

I'll try to tweek more and more to improve the whole thing and i'll be back to you.

thanks a lot for your attention. it's very helpful for me.
i like the guitarsound, could have more highs tough.

"guitar L and R = TSE everything on 12 o clock except bass. + KSE curve eq + recabinet modern sm57 cap grill"
i guess u used the curve EQ after the impulses, and not before?

were did you get the mercenary kick from? just curious ;)

for me it sounds like the SD2 overheads werent hit hard enough, so i'd raise the velocity
I think the guitars lack a lot of bite, as has been mentioned before.

I use 12-52's on Drop C and don't have that much problem with it being out of tune.
i ran curve eq before the impulses... is it bad ?

for the mercenary kick, it's taken from "the hours the remain song", i have 2 differents.

I will re-record entirely this song with new settings, new guitar, new drum and a real bass and differents settings and post later.and i'll put curve eq after impulses.

thanks .
i ran curve eq before the impulses... is it bad ?

Yeah it's bad if the curveeq file is taken from a recorded Cabinet instead of a preamp ... In theory you now have basically two cab impulses in series, bad, and then things starts to sound muffled :saint:
Yeah it's bad if the curveeq file is taken from a recorded Cabinet instead of a preamp ... In theory you now have basically two cab impulses in series, bad, and then things starts to sound muffled :saint:

Ok... thanks onqel. i'll put it in the end of the chain.

And for the velocities ? am i right ?
I would have randomized the velocities a little on the toms and use a compressor instead of setting all notes to 127..