Mastering Help Needed. Please.

Jul 29, 2011
I've tried everything I've learned in my year and a half dabble in recording. I want my mixes to be at least average volume if anything. Right now I'm sitting at about -13 RMS on average. Master buss includes SSL Comp and Oxford Limiter. SSL Comp is sitting at 3-4 db of GR. Oxford is sitting anywhere between 0-6 db of GR depending on snare hits. I've put GClip on my snare, just a little bit, to try and curve some of the peaks to help out in the limiting stage. What do I need to do? Are my SSL Comp and Oxford GR numbers too low? Should I boost it more? What is average RMS anyways? Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Actually yes. I've read that post many times now and I'm not sure where to go. I guess my main concern is if my GR should be greater and pushed harder. I don't really know what "average" levels are within SSL Comp, a limiter and RMS on a mix as a whole. I use my ears obviously but it seems that in order to get to an "average" level, I have to basically destroy my mix. I need the happy medium.
Checked out your clip, cool music! I don't know exactly what you mean by 'average' level, an average volume level compared to commercial releases? I have this problem too, and I write instrumental music and I think that might contribute to why I can't reach the same levels. Vocals add to perceived loudness IMO, just check out Heaven Shall Burn.
Pm sent. FTM thanks. Yes I mean average as compared to commercial releases. I've always heard -9 db RMS was around average but that's just not possible how I stand right now and have something that still sounds like music in the end.
Holy hell dude. That's amazing. Please tell me what you did? It's not even the loudness part Im liking, it's the fatness of the track and the balls it has now. Teach me.
Using it on the snare actually to curve those sharp peaks. Since this post I got the FG-X, so making my mixes louder and staying clean is not an issue anymore.
Holy hell dude. That's amazing. Please tell me what you did? It's not even the loudness part Im liking, it's the fatness of the track and the balls it has now. Teach me.

Hey Robert, Im glad you like it :D I tried to achieve an even (slightly flat) sounding Mix using an EQ, in your song's case HP filter at around 55hz, i tested the track using different systems including headphones and crappy speakers, and i noticed some weird *hmmp* sound from the kick when i played it back at our home stereo system, that's why i settled at 55hz, i think its an even compromise, next is a little cut at 240hz with the intention of fattening it with a warmer/saturator, the highs are suited to taste, hearing it now, i think I overdid the "softening" at the highs though. Compression setting is -5db, Attack and release is slow (i used the PSPoldtimerME so i dont know the exact figures :D) set to "clear" and 4db makeup. here's my chain EQ>BusComp>Saturator>Maximizer :D thanks again for letting me practice on your song :D It's been a pleasure "Air Guitaring" to it. hahaha :D
Hey Robert, Im glad you like it :D I tried to achieve an even (slightly flat) sounding Mix using an EQ, in your song's case HP filter at around 55hz, i tested the track using different systems including headphones and crappy speakers, and i noticed some weird *hmmp* sound from the kick when i played it back at our home stereo system, that's why i settled at 55hz, i think its an even compromise, next is a little cut at 240hz with the intention of fattening it with a warmer/saturator, the highs are suited to taste, hearing it now, i think I overdid the "softening" at the highs though. Compression setting is -5db, Attack and release is slow (i used the PSPoldtimerME so i dont know the exact figures :D) set to "clear" and 4db makeup. here's my chain EQ>BusComp>Saturator>Maximizer :D thanks again for letting me practice on your song :D It's been a pleasure "Air Guitaring" to it. hahaha :D

Pleasure was all mine dude. It's nice to hear your music through someone elses ears. I really enjoy what you did so now Im gonna get to tweaking. Do you know exactly what you did EQ wise? Compression and what not I can get to taste BUT whatever you did EQ wise really made the track FAT! I can't say good things about what you did. Excellent work man.