Mastering Setup.


Jul 13, 2005

first post here, yet i have been browsing this forum for along time now!!!
turned out realy usefull!!

but anyway, i have a nice computer/monitors and an EMU 1212m (and some load of outboard stuff obviously..) right know and i record my drums in another studio and do the rest of the work at my "studio" at home..

and lately i've been thinking of turning my mastering a little more Analog, since i do it with plug ins right know and i'm not tottaly satisfied with the results right know ( i know this also do to myself but i also want a more hands on aproach).

so i was thinking of setting a bit of a low budget mastering chain, i was thinking of the following:

Behringer (i said the B word.. shame on me!!) Tube composer (not that i will be using the tube much ofcourse hahaha..)

Sonic maximizer (i got a stereo version the 362)

EQ - Haven't decided on anything yet.. suggestions?

Behringer Edison ( i'll probly use it as much as the sonic M. but its handy having around..)

That's it!! any suggestions? (apart from get your mixes mastered at a prof facility?)

THANKS!! jb.
You don't mention which plugins you own, but I'm rather sceptical about mentioning Behringer and mastering in the same sentence. Then you'd be better off with a TC Finalizer Express or something. If you are not happy with what you achieve when mastering with plugins I think you oughta look into that instead. There are great plugins out there, you just have to learn to use 'em properly.
I've had great results with the TC Finalizer Express and I am so basic when it comes to mastering it's not even funny. The only thing better than the finalizer imho is to go fully analogue as in Millenia TCL-2/Cranesong STC-8, Massive Passive.
thank you thank you... like i said it is indeed also due to my mixing/mastering quality's. but i started of doing live&monitormixes so i'm kinda hands on when it comes to these kinda things.

and i can use the gear live too when doing live jobs...

anyway, check: this was mastered with the edison and the composer, and i know both bands and they all said the composer made a huge difference.'s%20Contradiction.mp3

can't say it sounds bad!!!
Sounds like you need to send your work off to be mastered. If you do want to play around with mastering yourself, the best quality will come from plug ins. Even mentioning Behringer or BBE tells me you need to do some more research. is a good resource for mastering related articles and such. I run a mastering studio and I know for a fact that Waves plug ins are better than any cheapo analog mastering gear. Even Neve eq's which rule for tracking are not in the same league as what we use for mastering.

avalon vt-747sp=$2000 all in one unit that really sounds good. pretty transparent. does not color mixes. it simply "beefs and cleans" on its own. the comp is not harsh (lower ratios are really delicate). have used one for 4 years now. would not work w/o it. d. braxton henry
dbrax said:
avalon vt-747sp=$2000 all in one unit that really sounds good. pretty transparent. does not color mixes. it simply "beefs and cleans" on its own. the comp is not harsh (lower ratios are really delicate). have used one for 4 years now. would not work w/o it. d. braxton henry
you might need to explain to us how you are using one mono mic preamp for mastering. :erk:

Edit: i caught myself a little late on this one.. sorry d.... explanation below.
Razorjack said:
The VT747sp is a stereo tube compressor and EQ if my memory serves me.
lol.. yeah.. caught that well after i posted... i was thinking the vt 737 sp... which is a mono mic pre.. i had one for about a year and the compressor on it sucked badly. the EQ was serviceable but certainly not mastering grade. i sold it and used the cash towards the G4 tower i still have and use... much more value for my money out of that. but yeah.. didn't know about the 747 since i stopped paying attention to Avalon after the disappointing 737 experience. i sure hope the compressor and EQ are orders of magnitude better on the 747 for d's sake.
The Avalon 737 uses another way of compressing and EQ than the 747. I've used them both, and besides of having to compress after the 737 (to make up for the not so fast 737-compressor) I am very happy with the results...

thanks dudes,

yeah, i'm still kinda struggling with the mastering but i realy think that if i get me some outboard stuff it might also let me learn faster then fiddling with Plug ins all the time....

i lose my patience all the time with plug ins (thats also though to my computer though hahaha.. getting a better one in a week.. hopefully the fun will get back into it!!) and its also due to the fact i'm more of a live mixer...

and bytheway.. my 1st post stated that this was my first post but i copied a piece from a post i did another forum, this obviously ain't my first post! :headbang:
yeah.. that's my main gripe with the 737... slow opto-compressor. i have also gotten good resultswith it though.. did all the DAATH vox with one.. Guitars too.
I've gotten great results with the 737 on bass, which really surprised me as I didn't like it on anything else. The 747 is really awesome for putting on the two-bus and just switching on the tube section. Gives a really cool sense of depth and warmth, although it is a subtle effect.
For plug-ins .....Waves plug-ins are nice.... But...... demo THESE!! Or try PSP's mix pack and Vintage Warmer! Voxengo has some really nice stuff that's getting ported over to Mac real soon. I'd save those B.B.E's for single tracks and not the mastering buss. But that's just me :loco: .... it may work for ya'll!
URS makes some really really NICE sounding EQ plug-ins, and then there's These! and the compressors on these cards rock!
For hardware man stop by the Dream store :D for me.... and take your pick!!!!
Oh yeah...and anything David Hill makes, KICKS ASS! :headbang:
Take a good look here.

For $149 you get an Amek 9098(Neve), Avalon 737, API 550 and Focusrite ISA 110 on your computer. All convoluted analogue eq's. (try the demo)

Also the Waves Q-clone has some nice analogue eq's on board, same principle as the Hydratone.

After the Hydratone the Angeltone will come, with amongst others the Massive Passive EQ. They're also working on a multistage convolution analogue compressor. Keep an eye on these folks!
Mulder said:
Take a good look here.

For $149 you get an Amek 9098(Neve), Avalon 737, API 550 and Focusrite ISA 110 on your computer. All convoluted analogue eq's. (try the demo)

Also the Waves Q-clone has some nice analogue eq's on board, same principle as the Hydratone.

After the Hydratone the Angeltone will come, with amongst others the Massive Passive EQ. They're also working on a multistage convolution analogue compressor. Keep an eye on these folks!
That Hydratone is nice! Their Valvetone 62' is Shhh-weet too!
For any Pro Tools guys McDsp's Analog Channel, Compressor bank and Filter bank kick bootay!!!