Jan 22, 2006
hey guys,what are your tipps for good mastering studios in europe and america?it´s for not to polished and clean metal/prog/rock ala mastodon,haunted,porcupine tree,tool
i thought about masterdisk in NYC,but that´s ab bit pricey at the meonet,although i´t´s notthat expensive.they did stuff like MUSE,saliva,jay-z,gene simmons,kyuss,smashing spumpkins,aerosmith
alan douches


Ok, ok, I'm done, I'm sure he's NEVER heard that one before, time to grow up...

No,'s still hysterical!!! AAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHahhahahahhahahahahahahahahah :lol: :cry: :lol: :puke:

i´ve heard good stuff about cutting you think it can handle a more raw and natural sounding mix.i just don´t want to have it sound to clinical!
Does anybody know about Xarc mastering online? I´ve heard their demos and I think i´m gonna master my work with them for mainly three reasons:

1. Total satisfaction guarantee. They send you different versions until you are happy!!! They tell you to send them songs of bands you want to sound like.
2. They tell you how to improve your mix for the mastering stage.
3. mp3 optimization for the internet distro.

I prefer pros to do the mastering and not to trust my "not so fresh ears". I don´t understand how people spend lots of money in everything but the mastering.

If anybody knows another mastering studio that offer such things for 600€, PLEASE, let me know. My mix will be ready in a couple of weeks.
Does anybody know about Xarc mastering online? I´ve heard their demos and I think i´m gonna master my work with them for mainly three reasons:

1. Total satisfaction guarantee. They send you different versions until you are happy!!! They tell you to send them songs of bands you want to sound like.

If that is the case they are probably trying to use an EQ matching program like HarBal or Firium to match the EQ curve of the finished song to yours. You should never master a song to make it sound like a different song. You should master a song to bring out the best in that song. Furthermore, mastering is more about bringing multiple songs together to make a cohesive product and less about trying to make songs sound "better." The mix should bring you about 90% to finished...mastering is the last little bit to polish everything off.