
Final Sunset

New Metal Member
Sep 3, 2003
Everyones already commented on how amazing Dragonforce, Powerquest and Edguy sounded but there has of yet been no post dedicated to the mighty MASTERPLAN!

Having purchased the self-titled debut CD mere weeks before the festival I was blown away by a strong set from an excellent hard working decent rock band. The explosive opener "Spirit never die", the catchy "Enlighten me", the deep "Kind hearted light" the brutal "Crawling from Hell" and the unexpected cover of "The Chance" were all set highlights.

And they also signed my mini-rugby ball earlier on in the day.

Long live the Masterplan!

Really? I didn't think so, i s'pose there was a slight resemblance, but he was much taller and built differently. Perhaps I was doing too much headbanging.

I was right at the front for Masterplan and loved every minute - especially the genuine enjoyment that the band had for being there! Roland was awesome on guitar! I was really really looking forward to them play and I was only slightly disappointed by the sound - it was hard to hear Jorn's vocals over the amazing guitar. BUT...I still loved it!!!!
Master Plan blew me away........ I want them to play next year. They need to spend more time in England!!!!!!!

Master Plan and Power Quest......

Master Plan - just incase anyone was wondering if I was not sure about whom I wanted to play next year :)
yeh, i loved their set, i reckon they shouldve been higher up the bill, paradise lost played a sack ass gig compared to bith masterplan and edguy... bring back the 'plan!