Masters of Technology FALLHARD

Haha, one good thing about this shit being bumped is that it reminded me of cankles. There was a chick in my office last year who was alright looking, but she had swollen cankles all the time. I mean, that just negates everything. Kate Beckinsale would be a hound if she had cankles.
They are quite gross. Jessica Simpson has cankles! Or at least she did in that first Maxim spread from some years ago.
Speaking of Maxim, I think it's funny that the American version (targetted towards red neck sports bar types) has a really interesting article on the links between the Bush administration and all their ties into the oil sector. Fucking hell, I knew there was a connection but I didn't realize Dick Cheney was paid $45m by Haliburton for being on their board for 4 years...

...anyway, Jessica Simpson is on the front cover of this month's Maxim and it is a total waste. She's in jeans and a t-shirt. I mean, what's the point? Get your tits out or fuck off. This isn't the Wall St journal. :loco:
Yeah Maxim has always had at least one article about government conspiracies or "How To Become Spetznaz" or something. More clothes than Playboy, but infinitely better writing.
JayKeeley said:
...anyway, Jessica Simpson is on the front cover of this month's Maxim and it is a total waste. She's in jeans and a t-shirt. I mean, what's the point? Get your tits out or fuck off. This isn't the Wall St journal. :loco:
I heard she wanted to be the first Maxim whore that was fully clothed, fucking idiot bitch.
Speaking of whores, I also heard Britney Spears is going to be a Bond girl. Man, did she get big or what - caught a few seconds of her latest video on MTV and I don't think I've ever seen a chunkier thigh explosion. They look like tree trunks. And what's with the black roots in the bleached highlights? She looks like an overfed crack bitch.
Must be all those Ho-Ho's to cure her munchies. :tickled:

She's so god damn not NEARLY attractive enough for a Bond girl. That's weak. Has anyone ever seen her tits bounce? Me neither.
I saw her on Punk'd once. She was wearing a dress that showed off her cleavage. It's weird because I always thought she had nice tits (obviously supported in those push up bras), but this time there was no bra, and no tits either. Just two mammary glands hanging like dried sacks in an upside down V formation. The gap between the jugs must have been a good 10 inches.
Ewwwwwwwwww Tori Spelling boobs.

Ugly tits are just sad. Like Teri Hatcher: smokin' body, hot face, fuckin' UGLY titties.
Tori Spelling looks like a goldfish - I'm not sure how it's humanly possible for eyes to be that wide apart. Her eyeballs practically sit above her ears.

Same with Tara Reid's tits btw. I think she's had them fixed recently, but my golly goat, they were once disgusting. She was in a flick with Jerry O'Connel where she got them out and they just 'flopped' out. Her nipples even faced the floor.
That's just sad, Tara Reid is pretty hot!

Please help this tragic cause by donating to 1-800-FIX-MY-TITS
JayKeeley said:
I saw her on Punk'd once. She was wearing a dress that showed off her cleavage. It's weird because I always thought she had nice tits (obviously supported in those push up bras), but this time there was no bra, and no tits either. Just two mammary glands hanging like dried sacks in an upside down V formation. The gap between the jugs must have been a good 10 inches.
Christ. She was on the cover of Rolling Stone about...two years ago, something like that. Wearing just jeans and a white lacy bra, leaning toward the camera and arching her back so she could show off every last milimetre of cleavage...jack off to that no probs, 'king beautiful.

Now, can someone explain cankles please? My curiosity is picqued :)
When there is no distinction between where the calf ends and the ankle begins, you have a cankle.

That arched back pic of Brit is pretty nice, must admit.

"When a chick arches her back it means she wants to do it!"
--Butt-head, watching the video for Winger's Seventeen :lol:
NAD said:
When there is no distinction between where the calf ends and the ankle begins, you have a cankle.
:Puke: You mean they actually let girls like that out of the house?!

That arched back pic of Brit is pretty nice, must admit.

"When a chick arches her back it means she wants to do it!"
--Butt-head, watching the video for Winger's Seventeen :lol:
Heheh...heheheh.....hehhehehhhehehhhhh! :heh: :lol:
Ayeka said:
:Puke: You mean they actually let girls like that out of the house?!
What's even worse is when they wear flat shoes to accentuate the blubber that's attached itself to the ankle. Some blame it on 'time of the month' due to water retention, but some are just lardy all year round.

Why women wear flat shoes in an office is beyond me. Women can wear smart suits, high heels, do their hair and makeup, etc. There should be little excuse for the 'feminist librarian' look in the workplace. If you have cankles then get a pair of suit pants for crissakes and cover up that obesity at your feet.
I agree with all that, except that librarians look hot sometimes. My memories of that one Married... With Children might possibly blur reality though.

This is truly an example that threads can and will go anywhere at RC. I'm sure someone will bring up the origins of astrology any post now. :loco:
JayKeeley said:
If you have cankles then get a pair of suit pants for crissakes and cover up that obesity at your feet.
Reminds of that advert for the weight-loss thing on GTA3...

"The Biosizer, the Abdomitrix, Tommystapling, I've had my mouth sewn up, my hands chopped off - you name it, I've tried it!"
"Yeah, except for excercising and eating right, porky!"
"That's right, honey!
