Mastodon - Crack The Skye


Master Exploder
Is fucking incredible. I am on third listen at the moment, and it is eaily their best album. Perhaps not as catchy as moments on previous albums, but incredible none the less. How do these guys keep going from strength to strength? Amazing.

Very proggy, Opethy at times. Highly recommended to fans and non fans alike.
Had crack the skye for a while now and it is brilliant !! Glad there are other Mastodon fans here.
After the last album I had a feeling these guys were building up to something really good and they are probably only one of a handful of bands that I genuinely get excited about when they release new music.
If you guys do listen to crack the skye just remember it's the kind of album that will take about 5 to 10 spins to really take it all in.

the czar would be my fav song .... 3:50 into that song and oh my :rock::rock::rock:
I've got that other album of theirs. You know, watchamacallit. Good stuff. I'll have to check out this one as well.
was playing Saint's Row 2 today and the DJ for the metal radio station described Mastodon in a very cool way when he said "Fuck hardcore! Mastodon are Whalecore!".

think that's a pretty awesome way to describe their Leviathan album. :rock: