This is crazy...
I like Matt, yet I feel very sorry and confused for both Pyramaze and Tim Owens? The new Pyramaze hasn't even come out yet and Matt has already decided to go back to IE? Also, this on the whim decision made by Jon probably came as a very quick hit to Tim. I guess it won't hurt Tim too much since he at least still has Beyond Fear. Also, Matt was singing with Pyramaze mainly because he wanted to sorta come back on the scene without having to sacrifice his police job. Since Pyramaze don't really tour and Matt felt they were a great under-appreciated band he chose them. But in this announcement Jon talks about getting into the studeio with Matt for the second part of Something Wicked and how they are going to tour and that it will be the best era in Iced Earth history and blah blah blah. So does this mean Matt is no longer a police officer? Also, it mentions Matt is having another child. Matt joined the force to provide for his family because music alone wasn't cutting it for him, now that he is having another child he is rejoining IE and doing all these things with the band that obviously shows he won't be working as a police officer? Just weird speculations I am having...
I think Glorious Burden would have been horrible even if Matt was the vocalist; however, I actually sorta like Framing Armageddon. It is definately different for an IE album just like GB was yet it is not nearly as boring to me. I can understand why people do not like Framing Armegeddon but I still somewhat enjoy it. I think it would be awesome with Matt's vox and think that a lot of people will end up liking it if it was re-recorded with Matt. This is because I think the reason a lot of people don't like it (not all) is because they still can't get past the non-Matt vocals of IE. I think the song "Framing Armageddon" would be an IE favorite if it had Matt on vocals.
Lastly, I can't help but laugh at Jon everytime something in IE changes. This is because no matter what happens he tries telling everyone how the band will be "better", at its "best", or "stronger than ever!". Remember Jon stating that Tim was the voice of IE he had been looking for since the beginning and how with his voice it was the way IE "should" sound? Now he is stating that Matt's voice will bring back the "true" sound of IE or whatever?
Don't get me wrong, even though I look up to Tim as a good vocalist I am definately glad Matt has rejoined. This is all just me speculating on the matter. Maybe this U.S. metal band can kick it back up into high gear again! I am also still looking forward to hearing Matt on the new Pyramaze album and hope nothing has changed with it with this news.