Matt Hyde (Slayer, Hatebreed, No Doubt)


Nov 28, 2009
So my band is working on our new record with Matt Hyde right now and I thought that I would try and learn some stuff and share it with you guys. I'm sure I won't be learning anything super top secret, but it's pretty cool to get to see the techniques that bigger names use compared to what I do when producing/engineering smaller bands.

Thus far he has been extremely hands on. When working on harmonies and chord voicing he is grabbing guitars off the rack and experimenting side by side with us. He's been sliding parts around like crazy and really helping us make our songs what will hopefully be hits.

Thus far what I've learned is that he mixes almost completely in the box and then sums his channels through a Chandler Limited Mini Rack Mixer. When tracking and mixing we've been monitoring through that chain. It's weird to hear the preproduction sessions that we did at my small studio run through his Apogee's to the Chandler, you can really hear the difference and the finished vibe to it. If only I had 6 grand to blow.

Another thing that I felt was pretty interesting was that when discussing drum mic'ing he said he always starts with the overhead mic that will be closest to the floor tom. After that sounds good he goes to the floor tom mic, get's them in phase and then moves on to the rest of the kit. We haven't started drums but I thought this was an odd place to start. I guess I'll see this weekend where he goes from there.

If you are unfamiliar with him, he did Hatebreed - Perseverance, Slayer - God Hates Us All, a bunch of stuff for Monster Magnet and Strung Out. From the looks of it his biggest record was Tragic Kingdom by No Doubt which he has a plaque that says 14 million records sold... fucking ridiculous. Recently he just produced/engineered/mixed the new Children of Bodom record as well as Terror's newest Keepers of the Faith.

I guess what I'll do is try and keep updating this as we get going deeper into the record. I'm very stoked because we've never recorded with someone who has done so much. I'm excited to learn a shit load and hopefully produce our best record to date.
nice ! lucky you! ;-) got any videos from the sessions?
also : does your label pay him, must be quiet expensive, right?

curious to hear the results!
The label gives us a budget and that goes to him and artwork and whatever else. I am not sure what his rate is for this record. I let our manager take care of that and I don't want to ask questions. I think the less the money is an issue the better.

If we take videos I will post them. I am sure once we move more into actual recording instead of pre-pro we will start filming more and more. We've been pretty much work work work the entire week. Well work and fart jokes. But no time for filming as of yet. Getting all the structures and arrangements down is taking everyones full attention and concentration.

So far this is all we got, but it was shot at my place before we started getting hands on with Matt. I don't know if this is particularly interesting to anyone. I think it's sort of boring and the song has gotten dissected and arranged, but I guess it's SOMETHING.
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Wow u guys are lucky. One of my fav name in production. Ive been a massive strung out fan for years and what he did with exile in oblivion absolutely is second to none. If any metal fans have a chance check that one out please do. Strung out were just a socal punk band before that.. I would love to more details as u get em.
As a side note what in particular made u go with matt? I think the guy is soooo underrated in certain circles. but obviously your band realises the man's genius-ness. haha is that a word? well fuck it. it is now!:headbang:
I think there were two reasons we really wanted to work with Matt. The first one was that we knew he would be able to produce our songs and make them sound there best, because he really seemed to understand the niche that our band fits in. The other reason, most definitely was the fact that Perseverance rules.

Our guitar player is a huge Strung Out fan as well, so he is beyond stoked because of that.
tragic kingdom has to be in the top 10 albums (popularity wise) of the 90s. thats a huge deal.
Plus that album fuckin rocks man. Pop genius.

Let's not forget that was before the internet and people used to buy music. If that album came out now I bet the sales would be 1/10th of that.
I got to meet Matt during the "Scream, Aim Fire" sessions...him and Colin were the best team working together.

Matt is a great dude, very professional. He really knows what he is doing.

We used to discussed about men's colognes hahah :lol:

Good luck with your album...with him behind the board, it's gonna kick some serious anus for sure.
I've actually heard some nutty stories about him royally pissing off one of the dudes in BFMV and getting thrown off the session, and he's posted some totally dickheaded blogs about James Murphy on his myspace. Apparently he's a cool guy? weird.
Apparently there are two Matt Hydes. The BFMV guy seems to be based in the UK. Seemed slightly out of character.