Matt Hyde (Slayer, Hatebreed, No Doubt)

Also thought you were talking about Matt Hyde from UK.
I checked out his studio myspace,listened to audio examples
and i wasn't impressed at all.
One thing came to my mind: even if you're good engineer with experience
and big name credits it doesn't necessarily make you great producer on your own.
I have a session at my place today but will be there Tuesday and Wednesday for drum recording and will report back with stuff.
Sorry I lagged a bit, I've been working 14 hour days at my studio trying to finish up a lot of work I've started so that I can spend more time in Hollywood at the place that we are recording.

I don't think I mentioned it before, but I want to plug the studio we are recording at. It's called Sunset Lodge and it rules. Bunch of vintage neve gear, ton of old dbx stuff, craziest microphones I've ever seen and about a thousand amps.

Heres a the lowdown on the drums.

DIY NS10 Subkick, E602 and an sE Fet Condenser on kick
SM57 and KM84 on Snare
AKG 451s on toms and close mic'd cymbals
Hats and Ride KM84
Royer 121 on China

There were a couple other room mics but I forgot what they were. The Drums that we used were DW Collectors Series with a Tama Bell Brass snare and Meinl cymbals.

We're working on guitars now, and tried out a ridiculous amount of heads. I'll post pictures very soon!