Mattias Eklundh and Freak Kitchen


Yeah... Whatever
Jul 27, 2002
Santiago, Chile
I remember posting somewhere on this forum about mattias and freak kitchen (replying, actually), but I can't find the original post, so wtf...

I remember saying freak kitchen sucked and all sorts of bad stuff (I do recall saying that mattias was an amazing player, but he just did wanker stuff, nothing good about it), but I just have to shut my mouth off. Freak Kitchen is amazing!!! Amazing riffs, amazing lyrics, amazing everything... It takes a while to get used to it, but this happens a lot. However, I must defend my previous sayings, because by the time of that post, I had only seen/heard Mattias's instructional video, which, I must say sucks big time. Aaaargh just hearing the intro to the video makes me want to stop the video, it just plain sucks.
man freak kitchen has some great songs. he doesnt even shred much in most of them. like hateful little people and heroin breakfast, those are badass songs that dont have over the top shredding in it.
ElPredicador said:
Yeah I know... but being a good at playing doesn't make you good at composing ;)

Mattias Eklundh is one of the best composer guitarists around. You can't claim him to be a bad composer. Cause you know, music is a matter of taste. His playing and his songs are loved by lots of people around the world. His guitar playing technic is envyed by many guitarists including the "very famous virtuosos" as we call them in these forums. Even by the ones that you admire.
Aaaargh why am I always misinterpreted! Let's see if we get it this time. I once said I didn't like Freak Kitchen, and Mattias Eklundh, and that he was a total wanker. I have admitted that I was wrong, and explained that I like Freak Kitchen now, but that I didn't like it before because I had only heard of him the instructional video. The instructional video is just a pack of weird movements, which I found cool, but boring.

@turke: How come is that you say that Mattias is one of the best composers, and then you tell me I can't say he is a bad one because music is about taste???? Think a bit before posting, please
How about "I think/don't think Mattias is a good composer"..much easier if you speak in opinions and not absolutes. ;)
ElPredicador said:
@turke: How come is that you say that Mattias is one of the best composers, and then you tell me I can't say he is a bad one because music is about taste???? Think a bit before posting, please

So, you'd better think a bit before commenting about a band that you've never heard of.
turke said:
So, you'd better think a bit before commenting about a band that you've never heard of.

I agree! There is one person out here posting how great a disc is after listening to ONE song and now this person has claimed how bad a band is that he's NEVER listened too....
Freak Kitchen's awesome, just listen to the 'Appetizer' solo or 'Healthy Man,' Eklundh writes some funny stuff. And of course shreds >_>
Cool guy, GREAT guitar player and a HUGE Zappa fan.
I'm not 100% happy with "Organic" but like toe nail fungus, it will grow on you.
Freak Kitchen NEEDS to play & be heard here in the states, DAMMIT!
Metal-X said:
I don't know about Freak Kitchen having good lyrics .......

Yes, their lyrics are some funny stuff.

ElPredicador said:
I remember posting somewhere on this forum about mattias and freak kitchen (replying, actually), but I can't find the original post, so wtf...

I remember saying freak kitchen sucked and all sorts of bad stuff (I do recall saying that mattias was an amazing player, but he just did wanker stuff, nothing good about it), but I just have to shut my mouth off. Freak Kitchen is amazing!!! Amazing riffs, amazing lyrics, amazing everything... It takes a while to get used to it, but this happens a lot. However, I must defend my previous sayings, because by the time of that post, I had only seen/heard Mattias's instructional video, which, I must say sucks big time. Aaaargh just hearing the intro to the video makes me want to stop the video, it just plain sucks.

How can you say the video sucked. Well I guess you are entitled to your opinion but my humble self says that the video that he has being any of the Young Guitar dvds, his shop appearence vid in Paris or his bonus dvd on new cd are ALL awesome and none boring. :grin: :wave: