Maudlin of the Well lyrics


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
Ok, I've seen a couple of requests on this board for Maudlin of the Well lyrics, so I threw up a page at:

The link to the lyrics for My Fruit PsychoBells...A Seed Combustible isn't working at the moment, but it'll be fixed soon (within the week, I hope). But Leaving Your Body and Bath are up (minus only the lyrics for LYBM Interlude 2, which are part Greek, so I'm still trying to figure out how to include that), as well as the Secret Song (even if I did cop out and just link back to the official MotW site for it). Shoot me an e-mail if you notice any errors.

And band photos, too! :D
:) no, my sound is different and it screams outloud: "AMATEUR!!". MotW are great as far as im concerned, they kick ass, they are fabulous, splendid, gorgeous, etc... in a long time i didnt heard nothing quite like this... ok i never heard nothing like this. ah, and they are better than Opeth :p
There were eight dudes and one girl in MotW. At the moment there are seven dudes, eight if you ask on a good day.

They write all their own lyrics, except for "The Ferryman", which was taken from the Aeneid.

And no, I'm not in the band :P.
Originally posted by LoboUivante
ok i never heard nothing like this. ah, and they are better than Opeth :p

I beg to disagree. Next to Opeth, MotW are weak. They're Great but there's something too placid and frail about their style of music however much creative polish goes into the albums. This becomes very evident when one considers MotW's music from a technical point of view.

Nothing quite matches the rigorous extroverted rush of polyphonous symbols that densely punctuate Opeth's songs, their art.

2 cents (but I'm whimsical; hate band today, love a band tommorow, hehe)
Well, there are times I listen to Opeth (and the majority of metal acts) and see in their music a crude and loud noise. Interestingly, these are the times I like MotW most. So it is something like apples and oranges.

As I wrote before, I look forward to future productions from this band. The band is really only in its sophomore year (they only really have two albums, Bath and LYBM being one creative opus). And I understand their next album is working out to be its EVILEST. I'm marking their careers closely.
