Maudlin of the Well

Autumn Falls

Ace Harding, P.I.
Jul 9, 2001
Denton, TX
Hey all-

Well I know this post subject has been done to death. But I'm a huge fan of progressive music first and foremost and I got these cds somewhere close to 10-12 months ago from my now ex-girlfriend. At first I was like ok.. but what am I supposed to be hearing that is awesome?

So anyways.. in this past two months my ex left me I've really discovered how amazingly beautiful these discs are. Really I don't think there is anything quite like this... today since I am Dallas for a month with not much to do.. I listened to Bath then to LYBM successively and it was exhilirating. I hope I can leave an impression on the music world like MotW has done.

Just wanted to say. Brilliant music at it's brilliant-est.

I finally got some of their songs. I.. will be buying the $20 pack of Bath and LYBM next time I have some money. Is their first any good?
I got them both.... got into them, then after a while they just seemed so pretentious and tedious. But I should give them another spin, I guess.
I like the first album a lot, but not as much as the Bath/LYBM dyad. I haven't tried the reverse order, but I know they were intended to be Bath first, LYBM second...the parallel songs and the tonal theme that connects Blue Ghost/Stones of October's Sobbing, as well as the progression from Interlude 1 -> Interlude 2 (on Bath) -> Interlude 3 -> Interlude 4 (on LYBM), makes me appreciate the effort that went into arranging the tracks, even if it unfortunately means "Riseth He, The Numberless" gets broken into two tracks :p.

I think "pretentious" is a little inaccurate, because it implies a claimed position of merit that's unjustified...I don't think Bath/LYBM promise anything they don't deliver.
Originally posted by xfer

I think "pretentious" is a little inaccurate, because it implies a claimed position of merit that's unjustified...I don't think Bath/LYBM promise anything they don't deliver.

I agree. This seems to be one of those overused buzzwords concerning progressive music.

I have only heard "Geography" which is alarmingly beautiful. I am very interested in this band.