maudlin of the Well: Part the Second

dredg is #11 on that list btw.

it is just rym, and it's pretty early in the year, relatively given what else is yet to leak/come out, but to see it #1 I'm actually really happy.

I wonder if some people have checked it and the other motW albums out just as a result of that, having never heard-of them before.
Yeah, dredg has been pounds of disappointment.
Their rhythm section need to find a new gig playing with a singer that can sing in more than one register and a guitarist that doesn't feel the need to tremolo-pick every EPIC cadence.
Hey everyone,
I've been reading this forum for about a month or so, and I decided to make an account so I can express how much I truly enjoy the new album. I know some of the band members post, so I just want to say thank you for doing what you do. =D
Made a Big Executive Call yesterday and put all three versions of the record as direct HTTP links, no bittorrent required no more. Now that, I imagine, the majority of the people who want it already have it, didn't seem necessary and there have been issues with trackers and like that...