Maudlin of the Well - Possible new album soon!


Sep 16, 2002
Maplewood, MN
check this out

(click on the "News" link and scroll down)

on the account of donations, Toby says they are hoping to finish and release some older material that never got finished!

I am likely gonna donate something.
Awesome stuff. I've been playing Leaving Your Body Map quite abit recently, I'd love to hear more Maudlin Of The Well.
I like the Maudlin of the Well stuff more than the stuff released under Kayo Dot. Although, the violinist of Kayo Dot is a cutie.
gonna happen!

update! (aka "holy shit!")

From Toby's blog:

"An extremely generous fan Etienne Dube just donated enough for motW to be able to do a full length album.. unbelievable and amazing news! Everyone else can keep donating if you wish, as further donations will help us hire orchestral musicians (cello, etc), and actually press copies instead of having this be an internet release. The recording will start Feb 10.. congratulations to Etienne and to everyone!"

Here's the Paypal link for those who would still like to donate.

End profits for the month: $12,000. So that's $6000 going to Toby. I did my best, now it's in your hands Toby.

maybe the name of the album should be "Holy Shit!!"
Thanks for the thread necro, I missed this. That is very good news, assuming they actually have new material and aren't just rerecording the b-sides from their stuff - the extra songs on the rereleases of bath/LYBM were pretty damn bad, with the exception of the "secret song."