Maximum Grimness!

The second to last thing that went through his mind was probably "Hmm, should have taken ONE more step before leaping."

The last thing to run through his mind, of course, was the pole.
wow, lol what a loser

i don't qite understand how his head got so neatly stuck on the pole though, and wouldn't his eyes be open
its probably fake but lets all pretend its real and enjoy it lol
There's something that bothers me about this picture. So he was trying to jump from the highway to the building but didn't quite make it and landed short, severing his head on a pole. What I don't understand is why is his head facing away from the building. Since he jumped from the highway towards the building shouldn't his head be facing the building?
Plus the way his head is sitting on the pole is a little weird too. It looks like the pole penetrated the head in the back and since the guy was running and then jumped, that means that when he was falling he wasn't falling straight down, he was moving a bit forward as well. So the point of entry at the back of the head doesn't look quite right. It's as if his whole body managed to get past the pole and the back of his head didn't and got stuck on the pole. It looks fake to me.

The story at least is fake, the fact that there is a head on a pole is real, or so it seems.
It's Faked.

A good fake but the angles are all wrong. The head looks placed on the pole, Not fallen and severed. And I doubt the force of 3 stories would place the head in such a photogenic manner.

The whole thing just looks a little too pat. Even the placing of the body is photographers wet dream.

Hemi my dear, You got Mail.....
i showed some chic the pics and she started cursing me out and blocked me!! lol

guess she didn't have the stomach for it :D
i told it was fake come on the blood didn't look real it was to red looked like hawain punch
that is a terrible fake.

oh, think about this, it might not make sense, i might need to visually demonstrate, but i'll try my best...

he was jumping from the highway...sooo....

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1st line is the highway, second double line is the building, 3rd line is the fence, how did he fall and land with his back facing the building? did he jump and do a stylin 180? no, total fake.
my boss was telling me about that last night. he was wondering when the pics would get up on the net. now we know. and knowing is half the battle :loco: