May 29 2006 New rules upload!

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland

A new free PDF download is now available for the LotFP: RPG game. It is the first brand new material presented in seventeen months.

In development since the summer of 2003, the game has gone through several complete rewrites, and it now looks to have found a formula for success.

Instead of presenting the completed rules-set, the download features the inspirations, mood, and atmosphere intended to influence game-play, with in-depth scenario creation devices. The core rules (character creation, character advancement, combat, general activities) are presented in a basic, bare-bones form.

Discussion and feedback would be most appreciated.
I really like what you've got so far with LotFP; the RPG, but wanted to ask about one thing that struck me as odd.

In your design for Lamentations of the Flame Princess you make use of Standard Statistics and Non-Standard Statistics in Character Creation. It seems from the titles that these might be reversed. Not everyone, for example, might be unusually stealthy, or know how to go about crafting common objects, but everyone would probably have intelligence, speed, and mass/strength (Intelligence, Movement, and Size under Non-Standard Statistics).

If they're named this way due to something in the rules but not yet in the May 29, 2006 version, then please disregard this question! :rock:
Lee Torres said:
I really like what you've got so far with LotFP; the RPG, but wanted to ask about one thing that struck me as odd.

In your design for Lamentations of the Flame Princess you make use of Standard Statistics and Non-Standard Statistics in Character Creation. It seems from the titles that these might be reversed. Not everyone, for example, might be unusually stealthy, or know how to go about crafting common objects, but everyone would probably have intelligence, speed, and mass/strength (Intelligence, Movement, and Size under Non-Standard Statistics).

If they're named this way due to something in the rules but not yet in the May 29, 2006 version, then please disregard this question! :rock:

Thanks for your thoughts!

You do have a point with the naming of the stats. Perhaps I need a better naming convention for the two types of stats.

I have a few other projects in the fire right now but I'd expect a more thorough rules treatment up by mid-September. :)