May You Always Embrace The Void


New Metal Member
Oct 19, 2015
Hey guys! Mike here, I am brand new to this forum, and I am not as well versed in metal as most of you guys. My metal tastes began with Metallica and branched out to the Big Four, especially Slayer. I loved the speed, the fury. But as I reached my 20th birthday, I realized that faster didnt always mean heavier. I now have slowed it down (but still love me some Big 4). Currently into Stoner and early Doom metal (SABBATH!!!)

Also, just on a personal note, I am not into anything satanic, pseudo or not. Slayer has decreased in my playlist but not disappeared (i draw the line at "Cult") . This is simply due to my religious beliefs. I will NEVER condemn, try to change, or even judge another individuals taste in music, for music is music. Its all important. Its just a personal thing, and I thank yoi for understanding.
No, I dont like Stryper. Hahaha.
Favorites (currently):
Black Sabbath
The Sword
Iron Maiden
Judas Priest
I don't think I have much the same metal tastes but I'm really new here like literally just made this account. I don't even know where I fit with my metal taste but whatever I just need to be in a forum. So Hiiiii