Maya and 2012

Dolamite S. Biffle

Biffliest Person Ever
May 2, 2005
I know I have talked to some of you in the chat about my Maya and the year 2012 paper. Here is a podcast my teacher uploaded that he recently did. The interview doesnt just deal with 2012, but more Maya as a whole. It is very long so once I get to the point in the interview when they talk about 2012 I will edit the post so you can fast forward, but as of now I am at 31:07 without any mention yet.

Anyway here is a link if you are interested.

Calendar stuff starts at about 36 mins.
Heck yeah, I'm all over this topic! I'll listen sometime this week. Thanks for posting it, and good luck with the paper! ((hey what about the Crystal Skulls paper? Would love to read it!))

Does she wear a Veil?

Does she shapechange like that Maya chick on Space: 1999 (during the somewhat inferior second season, where they weren't blowing up Eagle spacecraft every week) ?


EDIT: listening to it. Woah, "male genital bleeding"? Waiter, check please! :lol:
Heck yeah, I'm all over this topic! I'll listen sometime this week. Thanks for posting it, and good luck with the paper! ((hey what about the Crystal Skulls paper? Would love to read it!))

Well I have just scratched the surface but I believe the crystal skulls is in conjunction with the doomsday 2012.
You should sit and talk with my boyfriend a bit. He is all over this and tells me weekly......

"2012. Just you wait....2012"

hey, i'm all about 2012---then i won't have to worry about being 40, much less 40+

maybe that's just me? :blush: yeah, i really am that shallow

but i am intrigued by it all, so i will be checking the podcast :)
this stuff is so interesting, i wanna get in on it but im at school right now.


what i find most intriguing is that even if their predictions of doomsday are false...what is remarkable is the astrological knowledge they had of which their predictions were based is amazing.

the aspect that such an ancient and "under-developed" (by modern day/technological standards) civilization could master such things that took us much longer to master; even with more technological advantages...and even with more of the "human resource" as far as capable mental minds go.