Since we're already on the topic of Black metal parodies, here is a quaint video by Morbid Anal friend's joke band:
Hail the Nokturnal bacon throne!
hehe. So, the parody is that there's no lyrics?
I run a parody band called "Defecator". Most lyrics are in norwegian, but I can post some english lyrics with comments here:
Throne of Belphegor
In a dark chamber with no windows
All crimson red like bloody gore
There stand a throne to the blasphemous
Worship of the demon Belphegor
Step onto the throne, claim your place
Sacrifice, sacrifice to Belphegor
Sacrifice, gifts to the demon of gore
Sacrifice, gifts into porcelain
To the demon, of all that is unclean
As I approach the sacred throne
The stench of filth engulfs me
Telling a foul tale
Of endless sacrifice
To Baal-Pelor
Lord of the Opening of flesh
To Belphegor
Giver of gifts of filth
I step up to his throne
That of the Disputer old
The bringer of discovery of joy of filth and gold
The ancient despoiler to whom my soul is sold
Step onto the throne, claim your place
I take my place by his left foot
Ascending to my might
Preparing the sacrifice to which he hold the right
Delivering to Belphegor my gifts as black as night
In a dark chamber with no windows
Praise to the demon of gore
Sacrificing gifts from inside me
Praise to demon Belphegor
Belphegor is among other things the demon responsible for the pleasures of bathroom activities.
Traditionally, outdoor toilets were painted red in Norway (or crimson, if you want to be more dramathic)
the rest I'm shure you'll figure out yourself

we have more songs about the throne of belphegor, but they are untranslatable.
The Boogerman is also a favorite topic in the band :zombie:
Hedonistic warrior
Darkness my delightful cloak
That I red with blood will soak
Shape the world to my desire
Carve from flesh my own empire
Hedonism my life gives sense
Demonic, beautiful existence
Sensation and beauty I take
Use it up, everything break
Powers take my plan so well
Promise me empire in hell
Melkor my sire me greets
Demon sent by him me meets
Guides me, teach me shows the way
To more pleasure every day
Mighty warlord I become
More pleasure I welcome
Ill give you pain, cause it gives me pleasure
Cause more despair, thats what I treasure
Slaanesh leads my pleasure gaining quest
For I deserve the best on expense of the rest
A revelation my powerful gaze meets:
Powerful being with cloven hoof feet
Slaanesh pleasure bringer and Tzencht in their might
Ruled by Melkor who destroyed light
They tell me how I should serve them
Tell me my way, how I should please them
To rise a demon my self in all might
To gain my pleasure as dark as the night
A hedonistic warrior, Ill do anything myself to please
The virgins weeping as I rape her gives my flesh the release.
Khorne the blood ruler take my offer of blood
As I slaughter all in my neightbourhood
Perverting all like the touch of Nurge
For more pleasure my souls force surge
To Melkor I create a monument great
To his power destroying what others create
An altar where I rape and kill my sacrifice
An obelisk black power symbol I rise
Slaanesh, Tzencht and Khorne are all demons from the Warhammer game. The also have a demon called Nurgle there, which I made to Nurge there for the sake of the rhyme.
Meklor is another name for Morgoth, the primal evil in J.R.R. Tolkiens Silmarillion