hey all, read this shit, its funny as HELL



Deathmetal music is "NOT" devils music.Not all bands sing about satan himself,they sing about "DEATH".What is wrong with that?We all die.Other music talks about killings and ho's and they glorify it.Do we call that devil's music? No we label it as "life".P.S the list sucks. Its all mixed up.Its a joke.And for those who know there deathmetal/blackmetal you know what Im talking about!
by Joy on Oct 25, 2003

You go Joy !!!!!
by Beelzabub_T._Satan on Oct 25, 2003

Jesus Fucking Christ there are some real dumbass people here who better shut the fuck up cause they don't even deserve to hear true Death Metal. Trey Azagthoth is not Jewish, he is partly Greek. You obviously are too dumb to understand what his music or lyrics are about, or to comprehend the amount of work that goes into writing, performing and recording a Morbid Angel record. Go on surfing on your stupid AOL you stupid fuck, maybe you'll learn something or do something useful with you time. Otherwise keep listening to whatever the fuck you creeps listen to that makes you so retarded.
by Guest_d1303 on Oct 25, 2003

Oh ya, and those who think Death metal is about death need to take a better listen. That is not what Death metal is about either.
by Guest_d1303 on Oct 25, 2003

Morbid Angel lyrics are actually VERY MUCH about spiritualism, they're just not about Christianity you stupid fuck. Why you people want to speak before knowing remains a mystery to me...
by Guest_d1303 on Oct 25, 2003

I find it VERY offensive when people start throwing around insulting racist, fascist words. Be a man and tell me your real name you creep. Maybe if you would listen to Morbid Angel more you would not feel the need to be so hateful and dumb. It is emporwering for anyone who has a brain and who looks at them selves for answers instead of trying to blame every flaw in their useless existence on people of other religion of origion. That you feel the need to do this tells me you are a very, very sad and frustrated person.
by Guest_d1303 on Oct 25, 2003

Trey is the most straight, cool person I have met in my life. His Sumerian- inspired lyrics have nothing to do with Judaism or any kind of organised religion for that matter, it is about thinking for yourself more than just blindly following others, like whatever is on tv or whatever your gay ass loser fascist boyfriends tell you to do. You just can't stand there being people who are cooler than you, cause it makes you feel like even a bigger loser. Let me tell you: let go of it, lift yourself up and focus on something more productive, or take a gun to your head and pull!
by Guest_d1303 on Oct 25, 2003

Ok I admit that Im a lying jewish faggot. You probably already knew this. Morbid Angels Sumerian-inspired lyrics have everything to do with judaism. Morbid Angel are jews like me. Thats why I started this gay ass ballot and voted for Morbid Angel a thousand times. Its my way of conducting jewish propaganda. I must do this because Im jewish. I refuse to stop running my lying jewish mouth unless theres a penis in it. I will lie about everything because Im a fuckin Hebe. So please listen to Morbid Angel. And please convert to judaism. And please get a mullet. You can even wear your yamakah over your mullet like I do. If you do this, you can fuck me in my hairy jewish ass. Or we can suck each others dicks. I am living in florida in the jewish community. I have dated Trey and other jews here. I move here from Israel 15 years ago. Lets pull each others peckers while we listen to death metal and reminis about the good ol days when everybody had mullets.
by Guest_d1303 on Oct 26, 2003

I change my mind. I not Jewish. I am an ancient Sumerian. I am Iraqi. Jusst because Judaism comes frum Iraq does not mean antything. I speaks Hebrew...so does Morbid Angel...that no mean we Jewishs...it justs coincidence. And this thing on my headd is not yamakah. It is a pancake. I eat breakfast on my headd all day longg. I go cynagog evry day but that no mean I Jewish eiether. I go there ebcecause name cyngog saound like egg nog and I hungry.
I suck a dick or two every now and then but that does not mean I am gaay. Sucking dicks is an ancient Iraqi Sumerian cure for sprained wrists.
And I have sprained wrist from masterbating. Yes I masterbating with gay porn but that not mean I gay either. I like mans dicks bbcecause they reminds me of tits. Yes I like sodomy with other men. That not mean I gay either. Its just a good method for colon cleansing without having to buy enema. So I am justs saving money is all. Just because gays like it does not mean antything. I still loves men with mullets who listens to death metal. My penus become aroused for such men as these. This not mean I gay.
by Guest_d1303 on Oct 27, 2003
That's pretty fucking funny, rebirth! :lol: :lol: :lol:

That just goes to prove why people shouldn't be allowed to express their opinions freely.

If any of ya'll out there want more stuff like that, just go to http://www.bash.org and see what the IRC nerds there get up to.

And, on a side note, the term "life metal" was basically invented by an Australian Christian Death Metal band by the name of Mortification, trying to escape the sterotype that metal is "Satanic". Oddly enough though, Mortification are Australia's biggest selling band of all time because of all the American and European Christians that want to appear "cool" by listening to metal but still enforcing the tenants of their own faith.
Quite funny really.

And Rebirth: ya'll coming to Metal For The Brain this year?

The Pimp NeonBlack
Deconstruct my Reality said:
Karmic said:
I saw a woman wearing a sweat shirt with "Guess" on it. So I said "Implants?" She hit me.



Where the hell have you been? And when are you coming back to stay longer? Nice to see you around! Can you say Hi to Iris for me, next time you talk to her? :)

Pimp: that link is scary! That's what people talk about in chatrooms? WOW! Some of is really funny though!
Deconstruct my Reality said:
Karmic said:
I saw a woman wearing a sweat shirt with "Guess" on it. So I said "Implants?" She hit me.


Sweetie! Where you been? I miss the chats....

**edited to say: Damn Karmic! I was gonna rep you for that but it seems I must spread some around more before I can.**
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Reactions: HemiGTX
Deconstruct my Reality said:
Karmic said:
I saw a woman wearing a sweat shirt with "Guess" on it. So I said "Implants?" She hit me.


You should have sneezed when you said that, sis!! and then say you knew, because you're allergic to plastics!!

hehe ;)

Iris said:
You should have sneezed when you said that, sis!! and then say you knew, because you're allergic to plastics!!

hehe ;)


'slaps her forehead'...DUH!!!! How silly of me to not have... ;) hahaha

'blows kisses to Lilly and Hemi" :D Hiya beautiful ones! I have missed you both as well....I'll P.M. you both and see if we can't get together soon...:D

Sis...I love ya girl!.....meet me in the dreamtime... ;) xoxo