Mayhem Tour - Female NY/CT Fans - READ THIS!!!!!


New Metal Member
Jul 22, 2010
Hey all - I've been a Metal Fan since 1982 or so. If any of you have seen Sam Dunn's documentary "Metal: A Headbanger's Journey" - I'm the fan from NY in the Lamb of God T-shirt who was interviewed.

Anyway - I may be too late but I wanted to make an offer to a pair of TRUE Metal Chicks in the NY/CT area:

I'm a Marine Corps Veteran and I have a good friend who is one of the managers for a bunch of music tours. He is currently working on the Mayhem Tour and has been kind enough to grace me with four (4) VIP/All-Access passes to the show in Hartford, CT this Saturday (July 24). Access includes between the crowd and the stage for picture taking and all that.

I had a bunch of friends lined up but two of them bailed on me due to a fight commitment (MMA) and a previous engagement. So - I have 2 slots left open.

Now - I am not some creepy old guy and I'm not a babysitter either. I am drop-dead passionate about Metal and since I have the opportunity to share this type of thing with some other fans, I have to make sure they aren't some bandwagon jumper etc. My buddy and I thought it would be cool to bring a pair of hot Metal chicks with us to enjoy the show. There's nothing wrong with having eye candy on your arm at an event like this. This won't cost you ANYTHING and there are absolutely no obligations. All I ask is that you are somewhat normal, not a lightweight (don't drink 2 beers and be flat on your face in an hour) and be able to hang for the entire show.

Please reply to this thread or message me directly as there's only a few days left until the show. You would need to meet us somewhere between Danbury and Hartford - we'll do the driving.

I know it sounds weird but this is no bullshit and not a joke. The Metal Community has always done very well by me and I have an opportunity to give something back and give a couple of fellow fans the opportunity for a really awesome time.