Me and Lars Ulrich.

T_man357 said:
Cool Bro!! You should take a trip up to Boston for the 1st night of Ozzfest!!

I think you posted this in the wrong thread TMan:grin: That actually does not sound like a bad idea. I have never been there(Massachusetts) and I still have not seen my buddy who moved out there several years ago. The shitty thing on my behalf is that he has traveled out to Michigan several times to come out and hang out with me. God I am a shitty friend. Let me get ahold of my buddy on the tele and I will get back with ya on that one...Oh yeah as if you didn't notice The Saint Patrick's Day thing fell through:cry: My boss didn't Ok my vacation

My brother wanted me to ask you if have ever drank this local Boston beer called Harpoon? Another thing have you ever heard of the Boston local band called Lo Life? I know, I know there millions of local bands in every state and I hardly know any of the ones here and I play in one but if ya heard of them go see them if you get a chance. My buddy is the singer
Hey dude, I have heard of Lo Life but don't believe I've ever heard their material.....Harpoon is basically skunked Sam Adams...Fucking shit is swill!!
A friend of mine is their rep for this area and brought that shit to my super bowl party two years ago....The cheap fucks who would drink free piss if it was bottled drank it....And the rest of us made a packy raid....That's how bad it is....I turned it down for free!!

It's all good with the St. Pats deal....To be honest I forgot to ask for it off anyway...But I'm definetly hitting the kick off of Ozzfest and if you end up down here let me know and we'll meet up for a few pops at the fest..

MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
I think you posted this in the wrong thread TMan:grin: That actually does not sound like a bad idea. I have never been there(Massachusetts) and I still have not seen my buddy who moved out there several years ago. The shitty thing on my behalf is that he has traveled out to Michigan several times to come out and hang out with me. God I am a shitty friend. Let me get ahold of my buddy on the tele and I will get back with ya on that one...Oh yeah as if you didn't notice The Saint Patrick's Day thing fell through:cry: My boss didn't Ok my vacation

My brother wanted me to ask you if have ever drank this local Boston beer called Harpoon? Another thing have you ever heard of the Boston local band called Lo Life? I know, I know there millions of local bands in every state and I hardly know any of the ones here and I play in one but if ya heard of them go see them if you get a chance. My buddy is the singer
T_man357 said:
Hey dude, I have heard of Lo Life but don't believe I've ever heard their material.....Harpoon is basically skunked Sam Adams...Fucking shit is swill!!
A friend of mine is their rep for this area and brought that shit to my super bowl party two years ago....The cheap fucks who would drink free piss if it was bottled drank it....And the rest of us made a packy raid....That's how bad it is....I turned it down for free!!

It's all good with the St. Pats deal....To be honest I forgot to ask for it off anyway...But I'm definetly hitting the kick off of Ozzfest and if you end up down here let me know and we'll meet up for a few pops at the fest..

Wow, talk about a small world...I figured you wouldn't have heard of them. Yeah, the singer's name is Bill. Tell him Steve from Lansing, MI told ya about his band if you ever get the chance to see them. He would be like "What the fuck?" How do you know him? He is by far one of the coolest m.f. I know. Proceed with caution though if he wants to party. He is one the few people that I don't even try to keep up with. I swear the guy has a fiberglass liver or something:tickled:

Oh and I would definitely be down to drink some Fanta's with ya at the Fest:lol:
You got me on one of these before....Now I'm gonna get you..:yow:

T_man357 said:
Hey dude, I have heard of Lo Life but don't believe I've ever heard their material

I don't know the dude....I'm not even sure I know of the band....I've just heard the name "Lo Life" thrown around local music circles...

And oh hell YES!!!! there will be some legendary drinking at this years Ozzfest!!! Kicking off in Mass!!! And I'm happy as hell!!!

MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
Wow, talk about a small world...I figured you wouldn't have heard of them. Yeah, the singer's name is Bill. Tell him Steve from Lansing, MI told ya about his band if you ever get the chance to see them. He would be like "What the fuck?" How do you know him? He is by far one of the coolest m.f. I know. Proceed with caution though if he wants to party. He is one the few people that I don't even try to keep up with. I swear the guy has a fiberglass liver or something:tickled:

Oh and I would definitely be down to drink some Fanta's with ya at the Fest:lol:
Oh yeah? My friends want to have a chat with you also....:yow: :yow: Take that!!!:Spin: Oh I know that you don't know the guy or have heard their music. I was just saying if you hear of them playing in your area or something and you don't have anything to do, then go check them out. Thats all I was saying:yow: :yow: Damn that makes 4 bug eyed fucks in 1 post:grin:
Cool bro....Hey I do know those guys though...:yow::yow:

And they're pretty good shits!!! No I hear you though....If I ever get chance to see them, or share a stage with them....I'll make sure to drop your name.

:yow: :yow: :yow: :yow:

MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
Oh yeah? My friends want to have a chat with you also....:yow: :yow: Take that!!!:Spin: Oh I know that you don't know the guy or have heard their music. I was just saying if you hear of them playing in your area or something and you don't have anything to do, then go check them out. Thats all I was saying:yow: :yow: Damn that makes 4 bug eyed fucks in 1 post:grin:
God I fucking hate lars. You know if you had worn a metallica shirt he probably just would have sued you or something. That guy has seriously lost touch with the real world. Too many lines of coke I guess. Not trying to put you down, it's awesome you got to meet him (even if he was late) and it's even cooler that you got some pictures out of the deal. It's just a personal thing for me as to why I can't stand him.

When those guys gave you shit for the Anthrax shirt, you should have reminded them that without Anthrax Metallica probably would have died on the streets of New York. And come on! "You are gonna wear the t-shirt of the band you are going to see? Don't be that guy!"

Have they not seen PCU?
Thrillho said:
That guy has seriously lost touch with the real world.
Which is exactly why he helped Beatallica out of their legal troubles with Sony...

You can not be a fan of someone and that's completely fine... but it's completely absurd how Lars has "lost touch with the real world" because his band of control freaks went after Napster. Did they sue any single fan? No. All they did was call Sean Fanning's bluff when Fanning said that they can't track what people were sharing.

Believe it or not, but Lars is grateful of his fans and it shows at each meet & greet's... and at each show. He takes the time with each fan to talk with them... to listen to them... and to make them feel welcome.

Now, it's totally cool to not be a fan of someone because you don't think they're a good player, you think they have a bad drum sound, or whatever. But to drag that whole "He'd probably sue you for wearing a Metallica shirt" is childish... makes it seem as if you're living in the 2000-2001 timeframe of the Napster debacle.
Lars ... yes he is a talkative little man and quite crazy ...but ya know what after watching Some Kinda of Touch Feely Monster I realise Lars was pretty cool (shit he even admits he doesn't know why he did the Napster thing rather just coz he could) ... the prob seemed more with James.

I reckon Larz is just a crazy funny little bastard personally.