Me and my mate have a challenge


Hell Bent For Leather!
Feb 23, 2002
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I joked to him that I wanted to check out 1000 new bands, and he thought it was a pretty cool idea. So we threw down the glove - we gotta find 500 bands each that we haven't heard before.
He's starting me off with Heavenblast, Halgadom and Jag Panzer, and I'll be burning him a copy of De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas. After that, I figure we'll be throwing stuff at each other til kingdom come. Suits me fine! :D
Tsk, such a negative attitude! Plus, I'll kick his ass if he gives me any junk to make up the numbers :p
Ugh that sounds like a fucking nightmare to me, I'm so burned out on new bands. I seriously contemplated selling about 1/3 of my collection last night and I'm going to give it some serious thought over the next month. Need to get back to listening to 5 albums a year but really getting to know those 5.

Uhhhh, I mean, good luck! :loco:
One Inch Man said:
Ugh that sounds like a fucking nightmare to me, I'm so burned out on new bands. I seriously contemplated selling about 1/3 of my collection last night and I'm going to give it some serious thought over the next month. Need to get back to listening to 5 albums a year but really getting to know those 5.

Uhhhh, I mean, good luck! :loco:


And review some Audio Savant / Vendlus promos instead. :loco:
I promise at least TWO new reviews tonight. :Spin:

I need to take a picture of my CD-R collection. Dudes, I love ya'll, but fuck me you gotta let a brother breath. I literally have 200 CD-Rs scattered about my filthy apartment. o_O
lizard said:
dude you should let us send you random mp3s; if each of us regulars sends you 20 different bands, you'll be half way there!

Hey, sounds like a plan. Get down to it then, lads :p

How much thrash metal do you know.
This guy will be shitting Thrash for weeks once I'm done with him :headbang: reminds me, I need to blag Exodus and Sanctuary off him at least...

I can provide a loooooot of French crap. Heard of Forbidden Site?

In all seriousness, I'm trying to stay away from archive sites for now cos that's how you end up with random boring junk. I used to love browsing random sites and downloading whatever songs I could...maybe I'll treat myself to that on a Dossing Day or something :loco:

I am probably going to pester him every week for new bands, because I've been unable to buy albums for a month or two already, and this looks set to continue right through the summer. I just don't really have the cash to spare for new stuff, Soulseek's working overtime on my compy but I never have enough music :saint:

We're meeting up in the pub on Sunday to exchange what we've got so far :headbang: