Me at Pantera/Wrathchild America April 1991


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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Shaye Breed, a friend of mine, posted this pix on another forum. I have seen it before, but forgot that it existed. I was a bit shy and more calm, than I am today, so I may be hard to pick out, but Brad Divens, lead vocalist/bassist of Wrathchild America is in the pix as well along with my ex-wife of all people.


Well at least the pic didn't had your ass involved :lol:
I never took pictures. If Shaye wouldn't have snapped that.... then I wouldn't have any from the early 90's. I don't think I have any from the 80's either. Digital cameras changed that. I don't go to a show without a camera now.


BARE ASS, Wyv, BARE. :lol:

Cool pic, Bryant! Wish I had taken more photos in the early days when I attended concerts weekly and met a few of my heroes.
I never took pictures. If Shaye wouldn't have snapped that.... then I wouldn't have any from the early 90's. I don't think I have any from the 80's either. Digital cameras changed that. I don't go to a show without a camera now.


In my youth I did had a camera, but nothing happened here (shows) so I don't have anything from those years :cry:. Now I also had a digital camera but I cannot use it at PPUSA so :rolleyes:. Gonna carry it anyway to take good stuff of us all off-venue.
I envy you, man :loco:. I would have killed for seeing a Wrathchild America gig. "Climbing the walls" is one of my favourite thrash albums.
Wow, you looked totally different then... I think i saw Pantera that year as well though I don't remember much of it lol was Pantera and Sacred Reich at Roseland in NYC...
WA was very good live. They weren't quite as animated on stage as Pantera as Brad had to play bass and sing, but they sounded great. Kudos to Pantera for being a great host as well though. They gave WA the whole stage and they were just as loud etc. In fact, it was SHannon Larkin's (WA drummer) birthday and Pantera took him onstage and wished him a happy B-day and he stage dived off into the crowd.

I envy you, man :loco:. I would have killed for seeing a Wrathchild America gig. "Climbing the walls" is one of my favourite thrash albums.

I looked that much different ? Well, I was like 22 or something.

Wow, you looked totally different then... I think i saw Pantera that year as well though I don't remember much of it lol was Pantera and Sacred Reich at Roseland in NYC...

Thanks..... I am old, so it is oldschool. Wish I had a bunch more from other shows.

Nice pic! Very old school :D

haha, cool pic. how come you only mentioned Brad from WA was in the pic when what looks like two other members are in it as well. That's Shannon on the far right i think and one of thier guitarists is in there too.
Saw them back in 89 or 90 with Forced Entry I think it was. great live band.
didn't like their 3-D album though
Exactly right. Shannon Larkin was to the far right and Jay Abbene (guitarist) was to the left of Divens in the pix. I only mentioned Brad because some here don't know what I look like and I made the statement about guess which person I was in the pix.
I "liked" 3D, but it wasn't near the release "Climbing" was. I remember Forced Entry. I think they were from Seattle ? Never saw them live, but I think a friend of mine had one of their discs.


haha, cool pic. how come you only mentioned Brad from WA was in the pic when what looks like two other members are in it as well. That's Shannon on the far right i think and one of thier guitarists is in there too.
Saw them back in 89 or 90 with Forced Entry I think it was. great live band.
didn't like their 3-D album though
Exactly right. Shannon Larkin was to the far right and Jay Abbene (guitarist) was to the left of Divens in the pix.


That's a great pic Bryant. That is Terry Carter in the glasses though, Jay had the big mustache.
I envy you, man :loco:. I would have killed for seeing a Wrathchild America gig. "Climbing the walls" is one of my favourite thrash albums.

Cool, always great to find other Wrathchild fans. They were from my home town, seen them a bunch of times and they were always great live. Wrathchild and Kix were from they same area and they both ruled the scene in the mid 80's.

Here are a couple pics from back in the day...

Here's a pic from when they were still a 5 piece (Brad just sang).

Here is a realy old pic from when Shanon was like 15 years old. I think only Terry and Shannon were in the band at that point, Jay and Brad came a few years later.
Ha ha ha that is great !! I love to see pix from bands when they were fledglings. I came across a pix of Vanden Plas when Stephan was just 17 years old. Those old pix are great.
I bet it was great to see Wrathchild (America) develop from their roots as a bit of a hair band into a thrash band and stuff. I wish I could hear some early stuff from them. I wouldn't say Brad is a "great" vocalist, but certainly he is very good. He certainly "looked" the part to be a vocalist that was a little more glam in style. As great as CLimbing was though.... you could tell they found their calling in that style of music though. "Day of Thunder" though it had a modern powermetal style lyrics, was one of my fave songs by them. Great and underrated song.


Here is a realy old pic from when Shanon was like 15 years old. I think only Terry and Shannon were in the band at that point, Jay and Brad came a few years later.