Me+Loomis "Auld Lang Syne"

This is cool.
Great song structure.
It's even cooler if you can imagine Becker, by some miraculous stroke of wonder, becoming healthy again and releasing a song like this after all these years.

Nice job, dudes.
Very nice. Is there a bit of Metal Machine mixed in there that I hear? Especially on the snare.

Also, interesting production choice at the end leaving the guitar fart thingie at the end.. I probably would have edited that out, making it nice and clean, but to be honest I think it works much better like this.
It's actually 100% Metal Machine! It's the first Toontrack kit that I actually like quite a lot, and for preproduction and/or random quick things like this song, I'm more than willing to make use of it. For other more serious work (actual releases), I'm still all about tracking acoustic drums and reinforcing with my own unique samples.

I didn't think the scratchy slide thing at the end sounded bad at was an intentional part of the performance and works just fine!
It's actually 100% Metal Machine! It's the first Toontrack kit that I actually like quite a lot, and for preproduction and/or random quick things like this song, I'm more than willing to make use of it. For other more serious work (actual releases), I'm still all about tracking acoustic drums and reinforcing with my own unique samples.

I didn't think the scratchy slide thing at the end sounded bad at was an intentional part of the performance and works just fine!

I thought it was very Metal Machiney. Pretty impressive, they don't sound programmed at all, I wasn't paying much attention to them but they could pass for real drums.
May I ask what you did to the toms? I find them quite hard to mix in, they're so different from how I usually approach toms.
It's even cooler if you can imagine Becker, by some miraculous stroke of wonder, becoming healthy again and releasing a song like this after all these years.

You know, Jeff actually forwarded the tune to Jason. Here's what he had to say back (not sure if he typed it himself by some technological means, or if someone typed it for him):

"Dude, awesome! So creative. Gretchen Menn was just here and I meant to ask her to play Auld Lang Syne. What a nice surprise. Thank you so much!
I am loving your tune Sacristy!
Thank you profusely for the guitar! I am speechless. You are too cool. Happy new year and love you, man.

Pretty freaking cool!

May I ask what you did to the toms? I find them quite hard to mix in, they're so different from how I usually approach toms.

I literally did nothing to the toms! I didn't even bounce any drum audio out of the Superior window. I did my own level setting with the mixer, changed some bleed on a few tracks, minimal EQing and compression just on the snare, filtered the OH and rooms a bit, adjusted reverb sends, and that's basically it.

Glad to know it´s programmed, I thought they sounded good but not Dirk Verbeuren good, I´m sure the real thing will be even cooler, as cool as this already is. Sounds great, honestly!

If by "real thing" you mean "any of the actual album tracks", then yes…those songs will be cooler, haha. To be clear, this cover isn't part of the Loomis album at all, I was just recently asked to put some kind of new years greeting thing together for Century Media's Soundcloud page (and for Loomis to "shred a happy new year on his geetar", haha), and I decided to make music instead of an audio greeting, and Loomis and I decided it would be coolest to just collaborate on it. I wrote and recorded the whole song in an evening, and then Loomis added the leads the next day in about an hour. A quick mix, and there you have it!
So Loomis came up with and played all of this in an hour?

See, now that's why I gave up on guitar.
(Until I can afford good lessons.)