gday ralph awesome work on the album, its one of the best death metal albums ive heard in aaaages i reckon.
got any tips for a metal guitar player whos been playing for about a year now?
Hey Ralph, thanks for taking the time. I read a quote that in the Morrisound studio for the new album, you said "that's the best lead I have ever played" or something along those lines. I was wondering which song/lead you were talking about? Also, I have read so much creative input you got to put into the new album and how much was written by yourself and Jack?

Ralph first of all welcome to the forums, You've gone from Death to Iced earth- Seb Bach to Decide style wise. Does it take you long to get into the vibe of the band you are playing in or are you just simply a talented fu*ker?
1. got any tips for a metal guitar player whos been playing for about a year now?
I think you should always record yourself while you practice, then listen back later that day. Most people don't know what they actually sound like until the first time they go into a studio. When you're playing or practicing, the natural tenedency is to focus on what your fingers are doing, rather than listening.

2.Hey Ralph, thanks for taking the time. I read a quote that in the Morrisound studio for the new album, you said "that's the best lead I have ever played" or something along those lines. I was wondering which song/lead you were talking about? Also, I have read so much creative input you got to put into the new album and how much was written by yourself and Jack?

I think that was the lead on " Stench", but that story may be apocryphal! No, I think I did say something like that. Jim Morris has been recording me since I was about 13 years old, so he's recorded LOTS of my guitar leads, and I may have said that to him. As far as creative input, like I said, Steve said " do everything you wanna do". We could have written riffs too, he's not like a control freak type - but I personally didn't think it would be a good idea to change the sound too much. Jack and I came up with all the guitar stuff you hear on the album, except the actual riffs.

3.Ralph first of all welcome to the forums, You've gone from Death to Iced earth- Seb Bach to Decide style wise. Does it take you long to get into the vibe of the band you are playing in or are you just simply a talented fu*ker?

I am lucky enough to have a really good memory for music, so I learn quickly. Every band I play in, I just play the way I always do anyway, so it's not that big of a change, actually. And I'm really a talentLESS fuck! Just ask around!
Thanks Ralph,
Another question is I may... I know it's still very soon since the new album came out, but I would like to ask if you know of what direction the next album will go. I think read Glen saying somewhere that in Death Metal, if you change you style to much, it could cost you with the fans. Just interested in your thoughts on how the band and the music will sound in the coming years.
:rock: Welcome Ralph. Good to see some Deicide members being on here after this forum being dead forever. You are a great guitarist, very nice work on The Stench.. and good luck with all your future performances/albums/life.
