Meaning of "But twelve words in a simple language suddenly..." in The Gift of Music

Der Schriftsteller

Author of the Aparillion
Dec 30, 2004
[Mod: I had to alter title and it has limited characters: original was: But twelve words in a simple language suddenly make sense somehow]

"Jesus loves me this I know
'cause the Bible tells me so"???

Sorry if this has been asked before.
A - A#/Bb - B - C - C#/Db - D - D#/Eb - E - F - F#/Gb - G - G#/Ab
Pretty sure that is what it's referring to.
I asked Matt about that reference in an email a long time ago, and he wrote back -

... it's just a reference to the 12 notes in music. The universal language and all that, and much better than actual words sometimes (for some people)...
Funny, I was wondering about this just this morning, and probably would have gotten around to posting the question at some point. Sometimes it sucks not having any knowledge of the technical aspects of music.:(
Funny, I was wondering about this just this morning, and probably would have gotten around to posting the question at some point. Sometimes it sucks not having any knowledge of the technical aspects of music.:(

Well that's probably the essence of it! Never mind the technical aspects of music as long as it speaks to you!
Hey guys, I just noticed something while listening to the song last night!

In both refrains, right after the line, "Whenever you can’t find the words to say," Val plays 12-13 (I can't ever tell; I think it's 12) notes on the guitar in upward order. A reference to the "Twelve words in a simple language," perhaps?