The Tale of the Twelve Officers

I think the point of the tale is that obsessing over trivial comforts and fighting for worthless socially constructed moral values is causing us to ignore the fact that we as an entirety are rushing into oncoming death. Once the ship is turned away from oncoming peril, then we can discuss the trivialities.

Edit: Sort of beaten to it.
i would agree, however i think the issues are not to be discussed seperately as one must take them into account when "turning the boat around". as soon as the leadership is removed, a new leader must take responsibility or else the mutiny is in vain. the nature and worldview of such a leader must be taken into account when enacting such a mutiny or one exchanges one dictatorship for another.
Kinda of reminds one of the present political situation in the United States. Instead of addressing globalization, health care, pension plans, workable plans for social security, illegal immigration, downsizing, and the hatred of the rest of the world for the United States, our politicians are arguing over Terry Schiavo and judical appointees.