A Tale That Wasn't Right

Apr 19, 2003
I was introduced to this girl a year ago at this event called RELAY FOR LIFE... I thought she was beautiful actually, but didn't say much to her. We actually have a lot in common, and we could relate to eachother by our common experience of overcoming a terrible life threatening disease...

But I'm not sure if I'll see her again.... i don't know if I'd even have a chance either. But if I ever did see her again, I would definately talk to her more... So I'm rather upset because I didn't take the opportunity a year ago, and probably lost a potential relationship that could have helped me quite a bit with my current state of mind.

Anyways, I lost my most recent girlfriend to crack/cocaine/meth, and she hates me and wants me to DIE... She still has 2 of my DVDs (Megadeth BTM and Maiden Classic Albums: Number of the Beast) and 2 shirts (Metallica's Kill Em All and Megadeth shirt w/ Vic on the front), and countless CDs... I have not gotten them back, like i was SUPPOSED to have, 2 weeks from today... She never called me to tell me to come get my stuff, and I haven't been over there.. And told me that she doesn't want me calling her EVER again...

On top of that, there was this girl that came into my work a few days ago who used to work there with me, and she acted like I didn't exist... I used to always talk to her. But since she quit the job, I hadn't seen her since.. Maybe she expected me to say something to her... I dunno... I just felt kinda offended that she didnt recognize my existance at all. :( :(

Those are petty things and not a reason to hate yourself and want to die.
Better hate them and want to kill them
People always do that to me. You go to school with them or work with them, and then when you see them in ages they are like: 'Meh, I think I'll ignore you completely'. I think some people you used to know act like they are above you, because they might think they have a better life or some shit. People go to extraordinary lengths to label you as a loser by acting like dicks to you when you see them after alot of time.

Fuck em, thats what I say. FUCK EM.
Static said:
People always do that to me. You go to school with them or work with them, and then when you see them in ages they are like: 'Meh, I think I'll ignore you completely'. I think some people you used to know act like they are above you, because they might think they have a better life or some shit. People go to extraordinary lengths to label you as a loser by acting like dicks to you when you see them after alot of time.

Fuck em, thats what I say. FUCK EM.

That's the problem man..
I do want to fuck her!!!
Well don't you think that in the end maybe these people are thinking to themselves. "why isn't he talking to me, why is he ignoring me? we used to talk before." Essentially the same thing that you were thinking.

In the end you both go on and don't say a thing to each other, and then you will both hate each other/be insecure around each other from then on.

A lot of people are just as shy and insecure as you are. Them not talking to you because they think they are above you might be correct in some cases but definately not all. Sometimes you have to say the first thing.