Need advice.

Demonic Rapture

Vomit surge
Nov 16, 2002
Memphis, TN
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Okay, here's the situation. A girl I've known for two years, has broken my heart for the second time. She dated a guy about for about two years, and I was there for her after the breakup. Then we dated for about two months, then she dumped me. After about a month, she wanted to be friends again. So, we became best friends, very close. Tonight, she tells me she has feelings for someone else. I can't bear to see her with someone else. I can't. What do I do? :erk:
Oh my God, dude. Listen to me very carefully: You want to get as far away from this as possible. I have experience in this kind of ain't pretty. But before you do it, have a nice long get it out there no stops pulled talk with her about EVERYTHING. In the end it will boil down to this: If you don't have the same agendas, and you disagree for whatever reason with it, you are totally wasting your time and are gonna put up with nights and nights more of grief dude. I know it all sounds simple........but seriously.....a lot of people don't grasp that fact. It seems like it might all be ok but deep down you know for a fact it won't, really. She's not on the same page as you, and things will NOT work if you're not on the same page, no matter how much you care or are close. If the rope is going <------> this way, it's gonna snap..just a fact unfortunately. She doesn't seem to know what she wants, and she may be taking advantage of you without meaning to, yet you've probably given her more then any of these boy toy people - you don't deserve her treatment. Gotta fend for yourself eventually, get out of this before you get seriously hurt, and explain it to her so she knows......
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Sorry, but I've just gotta post again cause this is freaking me out. Please don't keep enduring this bullshit man, I did it enough myself, it's totally not worth it. You'll hurt having to turn away from her, definitely, but in the long run the pain will be like 90% decreased. There's better out there for you. She may be wonderful, may know you this or that way, may understand this or this or that but the simple fact is too much polluted water has gone under the bridge for you to continue on and it'll be way more productive to build a new bridge. Don't settle for second best, second place, or second anything when you give a first-rate effort. Don't constantly force yourself against your better sense to endure something that's wrong in the first place. Don't pretend. Wait until you find someone who's on the exact same plain as you, not 50%, not 70%, or varying percentages based on the moment. This girl doesn't have a clue and once you leave she'll be running after you in some way or another but she's just used to you being there and saying oh it's alright one more time and putting up with the garbage again. What you need is someone who doesn't put YOU up like garbage. Think about it..
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Thanks for the advice man. It really means a lot.

I kinda told her that she's broken my heart twice, and there won't be a third time. She's been my best friend, and then it came down to that. It's happened before, and I let it happen again. I guess that part was my fault. I'm just really...lost right now. I guess sometimes we just have to...let go.
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I'm with OCI... NOT a very nice situation, I can sympathise!! You're better off with someone else, whomever they may be.

Take care, dude :)
Mark said:
Fuckin' A !:rock:

I'm sorry to hear that. Well that girl is stupid,If she can't recognize a good thing that she had with you then she is not worth your time. Let her go and get burned by someone else and then when she comes running back to you tell her to fuck off. Probably not easy advice to take, but that's just my opinion.
Stoner Sioux said:
I'm sorry to hear that. Well that girl is stupid,If she can't recognize a good thing that she had with you then she is not worth your time. Let her go and get burned by someone else and then when she comes running back to you tell her to fuck off. Probably not easy advice to take, but that's just my opinion.

You and Orion both gave me very good advice. I can't be around someone that's constantly hurting me all of the time. Not worth the heartache.