Meaty Djent-esque mix (Engl E530, SSD)


New Metal Member
Jun 26, 2012
My first mix of this particular genre.

It's a local band from around Dayton, and they want to hear what my mixes sound like. :rolleyes:

Anyways, what do you think? On my monitors it sounds pretty OK, but i'm sure there's much wrong going on in this mix.

I would greatly appreciate any feedback! Demo.mp3
Are the guitars hard panned? It almost doesn't sound like they're panned at all. There's a huge lack of frequencies in, well... everything. All I hear is a distorted signal from the guitars - no tone, no body. The drums are almost inaudible and also have no body. There's no meaty low-end, no mid-area body, no crisp high-end. Just grindy distorted noise. I'm guessing most of those frequencies have been filtered or EQ'ed out, so I might start there.